
My cat got an eye infection. Now what.?

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So i have a 1 year old outdoor/indoor cat who roams for a weekend then comes back all skinny and then leaves fat again but now hes got an eye infection and i am wondering if their are any home remedy's. I can't afford a vet bill and i don't want to kill him.




  1. If your cat roams, it's not fixed.  You let it roam, so you're the cause of this poor thing getting hurt.

    If you have a pet, you take the responsibility of getting it medical attention.  Withholding it is animal abuse.  

    If you can't afford a vet bill, then you shouldn't have a cat.

    I suggest you take it to the vet and ask that they rehome it for you.

    I can't believe you actually asked this question, and then state you can't afford it.  You caused the issue; now be an adult and take care of it.

  2. go to a near by petstore and ask the people who works there

  3. I had a cat that got an eye infection once and at that time I didn't have enough money to buy anything other than what I needed to survive - I took the cat and cleaned his eyes with a warm wash cloth and put regular eye drops in them just the moisturizer kind with saline water into his eyes after I had cleaned it... it took about 3 days and I started noticing that the infection was still there but clear instead of yellowish. After a week you couldn't tell it - but the infection kept coming back to his eyes and I was told once that if it keeps reoccurring then it might be as simple as a allergy and to keep on doing what I was doing to avoid a more serious infection if left unattended. Good luck with your cat and I wish you and him the best outcome possible.

  4. Well, if you can't afford a vet bill, keep your cat in the house! Your cat needs to see a vet. Don't mess with eye infections, this could lead to blindness! You have a responsibility towards your cat. If you do not treat him, this is considered animal abuse. Can't afford it, take the cat to a no kill shelter where they will properly care for the cat and possibly get him adopted to responsible owners!

  5. Sorry to tell you this, but you have to take him to the vet. There are no human medicines that are safe enough for a cat. Until you save up the money all you can do now is wash his eye out with a cool/warm cloth. Take him to the vet ASAP! If he's roaming on weekends he probably got into a fight with another cat and really needs to be fixed and indoors.

  6. Sorry but you have to take him to the vet. I would guess he has a URI (upper respiratory infection) and this is causing the eye thing. What kind of infection is it? Do you think he could've gotten into a fight with another cat and got his cornea scratched? Or it it just a bit goopy and pink? To be safe I would call a local emergency vet (you can google ones in your area) to get their opinion. You really should take him to the vet though, It's really not that bad price wise, like this'll cost you like 150$ MAX, but you can always call your vet for price estimates. Good luck :)

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