
My cat got out. What should I do??

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I posted some fliers around the neighborhood, but I don't know what to do. My other cat keeps walking around the house crying. She has never been outside before and I am really worried about her!!




  1. Did you microchip her/him? If you did go where you got the cat, tell them the cats lost and they will call  if found. I lost my cat once and they found him. Leave some food out, look around , tell anyone you know, have a reward if they find your cat, call for your cat, look in very hidden  areas because they might hide in fear in a hidden, very hidden spot. Hope this helped, and i hope you find your cat!

                                                                                - May your

                                                                          cat be found, Dot

  2. As mich has already said, look around houses near that you than you know have animals. Ask neighbors. unless you have already done so, spend literally an hour searching around the outside of your house and search neighbors backyards (with their permission of course =P ) Cats won't usually go off too far, even if its their first time out.

  3. Try going through your neighborhood, maybe even taking a picture of the cat with you when you do. Ask anyone you see, especially kids, if they have seen your kitty. I once had a cat that got lost and did this, I offered a $5 reward and some little boy came the next day with kitty in hand.

    You could call your local shelters or ACO to see if anyone has brought your cat in. That would be something to think about too.

    Kitty just might come back on her own too. She knows that she's loved and taken good care of. I hope you find her soon.

  4. She is getting out door experience. Don't worry, Go check with your neighbors, they might not know the cat is yours. and if the cat is out side then she will return.

  5. Try this.

  6. Usually when that happens they will stick close to the house or under the house.

    My cat used to get out like that every now and again and I know he couldn't defend himself outside.  He had never been outside or lived outside.  

    He usually always got under the house or in the attic and hid there for a day or two.  I would hear him scratching or meowing and I'd find him.

    Look around your house and under it.  Chances are you'll find him hiding somewhere.  Also, most of the time they will find the way back home from smell.

    Make sure to leave HIS kind of cat food outside and maybe a shirt of yours.  He'll smell your scent if he's roaming anywhere near your house.

  7. when im worried about my cat shaking a can of dry food always acts like a magnet it draws them to u becuz they can hear the sound of food even if their nearby or pretty far i mean it worked even in a thunderstorm once for me. :) but if that doesnt work try leaving a trail of cat nip around the drive way that can draw their attention in a snap!

    oh and it helps to listen for meowing, or look for the cat in the dark by blinking a light.

  8. talk to your neighbors and tell them to keep a look out.  then if you live near a kennel or anywhere that houses animals go and talk to them.  cats have very good instincts and they know where they are going.  just leave some food and water outside so she has food once she finds her way home.  good luck.  

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