
My cat had 5 kittens over 4 hours ago but her stomach is still firm, is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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this is the first female cat ive ever had, and so of course its also my first cat pregnancy. all her kittens look healthy and are nursing without any problems...but when i felt my cats stomach is was still firm. theres no movement or anything, so i was just wondering if this was normal after labor.




  1. If your cat just had 5 kittens, what the bloody h**l are you doing on Yahoo??? lol oj

  2. yes that is normal the uterus will contract after all the kittens are out. Should be back to normal after a few hours. I did one time have a cat that had 5 kittens, and 6 days later she had a sixth one dead of course, but she was fine. If you are worried have the vet check her out to be on the safe side.

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