
My cat had a fever of 103.5, she got her 2nd set of shots yesterday...could this be related??

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she is about 15 weeks old and i noticed when i brought her home from the vet yesterday(she got dewormed, her 2nd set of shots, and stuff for an ear infection) she wasnt feeling to well (she was sleeping alot, didnt want to play, and she wouldnt eat) I called the vet today to ask if its normal and they told me to bring her in asap. I got there and they took her temperature (it was 103.5) and they are wanting her to stay overnight :( I know its going to be really expensive and I dont care, i just want my kitty to be okay....

Has anyone had this same experience with their animal??

The reason why im so worried is that i had another kitten that was really sick and i took it to them and they drugged it up and it died the next morning... but i think that kitten had something bad wrong with it (it was weak, didnt eat, weighed a pound, slept all the time, and started pooping blood, it was only about 7 weeks old)

Thanks in advance.




  1. I am not a vet, this is only my opinion, from experience, and I tend to be more picky  than most. :-)

    Each cat reacts to shots differently. Some do not act any differently, and some will act lethargic, and just sleep the rest of the day.  Kinda like, I really don't feel that great, and they usually aren't interested in food.

    But, I have always been told, they should return to normal in 24 hrs,  and if they have any reaction, like throwing up, to bring them back immediately.

    In my opinion, shots should be spaced, one at one time, not 2 or 3, thats when you run into trouble.  And worming should be done separate too.   When you do too much at one time, your overloading their systems.

    My one male, had 2 shots, and started throwing up in 5 min, I rushed him back, they gave him some benedryl, I believe, and observed him for 1 hour, he was fine.  

    When  I got my other male kitten, and because the breeder would not tell me if he had any reactions to his shots, or even how he reacted, and because of what happened to my other male cat, my vet erred on the side of caution, and gave him one shot, at one time, and did the worming separate too.    Not only did he not have a reaction, he never acted any differently the rest of the day.

    I can't comment on the other kitten, as I don't have the facts about what happened. As far as the price, I don't know what the breakdown is either.

    My vet is more expensive than most, but she has the equipment and resources and contacts.  And if you should come across a big prob, you'll be glad you have him/her.

    Hope this helps, and hope your kitty is feeling better soon. :-)        

  2. No, a cat's body temp is naturally higher then ours as humans.  Besides this, if she just had her shots, it will be a little higher then normal.  

    She is probobly fine, but if you're really worried, call a vet and ask them your questions.

  3. It actually isn't rare at all for your pet to run a slight fever for 24-36 hours after getting a vaccination. By the way a cats normal temp is anywhere from 101.0-102.5. So your kitty's temp is only slightly elevated. When the vaccine is given it is supposed to stimulate an immune response in the process it can cause a low grade fever and a bit of lethargy for a day or so. Very much like when babies get shots they seem to be cranky and sleepy that night and occasionally into the next day. I'm surprised that the vet wanted you to bring her back in. I also hope that they don't slap you with a huge bill.

    Good luck.

  4. yeah, actually the same thing happened with my cat.  

  5. im a vet tech and to you have nothin to worry about kitten is going to be just fine. Thats a usuall reaction to the shots. They just keepin her over nite to make sure her temp goes down. Dont worry. keep me posted please hope she feels better:)  

  6. yea after human babies get shot they usually get a fever so i guess its normal for a cat....

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