
My cat had a fever of 106.6, can she survive such a high fever without brain damage?

by  |  earlier

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I took my cat to the vet today because she was listless and not drinking or eating. I'm worried she will never be the same. The vet gave her fluids, antibiotics, blood and urine test, and Feline Leukemia test. She is being kept overnight.

The vet said she looked healthy otherwise. She is up to date on shots but never had the vaccine for Leukemia.

If the test comes back negative, what are chances of her living a normal life with this disease? Is there medication for it. I read 75% of cats die in the 1st year but some can live up to 3 years.

Does anyone have a cat that has feline leukemia? I would like to know what your experience is in dealing with this disease?

Sorry, I have a lot of questions here.




  1. you have two questions:

    can she survive 106 temp?  i dont know, partially depends on how long she had it

    what if she has lukemia?  first, see if she really has it

    all you can do, is pray for her - she might be just fine

    but she's lucky that she has someone who cares about her

    EDIT: they dont say cats have nine lives for nothing - i'm betting she's fine

  2. About the fever:

    There's really no telling if her brain was damaged.  You'll just have to wait and see.  I will say this.  Cats are prone to weird fevers and usually shake them off easily.

    About Leukemia:

    It depends on the cat and the care it gets.  There are supportive measures like good food, supplements, stress free lives.  Medicine is supportive.  They treat the symptoms, that's about all they can do.

    Look at it this way.  If the cat only lives a year, at least it will be a happy, well cared for year.

  3. My cat had a fever too because of his urinary tract infection. After that was treated, his fever came down and he was fine.  But then he was  diagnosed with Kidney Failure.  I have been doing all I can to make him happy, and there are days that seems difficult, but most of the time, he is happy, purring, sleeping with me and is still doing well.  Despite having to give him 100cc of liquid injection and a pill daily, he is happy overall.  I don't know much about feline leukemia, but you don't know yet if she has leukemia or not, so don't  worry yet.  Just do your best to keep your cat happy if he ends up not having that much time left.

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