
My cat had a litter of kittens a few weeks ago, and I now have to move.Do I leave them or bring them with?

by  |  earlier

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Of course I dont want to have to leave them but if I did I woul come back daily to care for them.But I would really like to bring them with me but I dont know if it will freak her out by moving...and its not that far of a drive.What should I do?




  1. You cant just leave them there u have to take them theyll be fine during the move

  2. Start  looking  for homes  now. Place  ad in  store  windows  or  where  allowed to do so.   Some  city/town  codes  will fine  for  animals  left  behind.  They  can  be  moved  if  all put  togeather  in crate or  stong  closed  box with  small air openings  and  kept  quite  area  at  new  place  till settled.

  3. you have to  find a way to bring them with u its the right thing to do and if you cant she leaves you no choice but to leave her.

  4. bring them with you......

  5. If you want to take them with you, go ahead, because if you have food, water, and toys for them for however long the trip, they may be okay. If you only want to keep a couple of them, give some away, or give them to an animal shelter, like ARF, or if you have a local SPCA that would be good too.

    Butwhateveryou do, do NOT just leave the cats at your old house, because it is very cruel, and is a crime

  6. I wouldn't leave them there because the kittens wouldn't be socialized and trying to find homes for them would be hard. If they are a few weeks old then it's fine to take them with you. Make sure mom and babies are in the same box/carrier. You will have to keep them indoors for two weeks when you get them there because mom will move them somewhere where you can't find them outdoors. Put them in a quiet room so they can calm down with a cosy basket. Put the kittens in the basket for mom.

    When they are ten weeks you can try and find homes for them. People say eight weeks is enough but if it's possible to keep them until ten weeks then do because they learn lot's from mom like cleaning and feeding. Then get mom spayed, it's easier for you and mom.

  7. move with her or find um good homes

  8. If it's no longer then 2 hours they should be okay I think. :]

  9. Leave um!

  10. Its up to you but, personally I would bring them.  

  11. ummmmm. keep them. Where would u leave them if you had to move?

  12. Take them with you!!

    The cat wouldn't mind that much just put them in a cage or something so you don't get scratched when you try to put them in the car.


    Kittens are the cutest things in the world!!

  13. Be RESPONSIBLE and take them along.  Get a friend to help move them all at once.  Count them before and after to make sure none are left behind.

  14. Find a way to bring them it would be best. the mother cat will probably adjust to it.  we have 3 mother cats and we had to move 1 of their litters, and the mother cat was perfectly fine with it.

    Hope that helped. =)

  15. have a going away party with a chinese buffet

  16. take them if you can aford them, but keep the mom with them. Put them in a kennal with lots of blakets to keep them warm. Take less bumpy roads.

  17. Take them with you, your cat should now be used to you being around with the kittens, when you get to your new place put her somewhere that is quiet and leave her to settle down in her time, just makesure she has access to the litter tray, food and water/milk.


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