
My cat had babies, help!

by Guest21204  |  earlier

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my cat had 2 kittens last night at 12-2. they both came within 1:30 of each other. And then she stopped having contrations, but i think i can still feel a kitten inside of her. It's been 11 hours since her last kitten. And i was just wondering if the other kitten is stuck or if it could have been a double pregnancy. Is there anyway i can tell or anything i can do? I can't afford a c-section but i dont want her to die... and this is her 2 pregnancy. Both kittens came out backwards.




  1. animals do that unlike people we have all the kids at once sometimes they have like a kitten every other hour or something just wait and if you get to worried then take her to the vet

  2. It is normal for an animal to give birth within the span of a few days. If both kittens came out breech bring her to the Vet or get someone there who handles animal births. She wont need a c-section but someone to help guide out the ther kitten if there is one left. Good luck.

  3. It is not unusual for a cat to stop the birthing process and then have additional kits.  If she doesn't have the other kit(s) within 24 hours of the last delivery, then you worry.  (However, if she is havign active contractions and not delivering, you need to get her to a vet asap.)

    One reason they stop the birthing process is that they feel undue stress.  Make sure she is comfortable and in a secluded area.  They like to give birth in private.  To them, private equals safe.  As long as she is takign care of the other kits and behaving normally, you can afford to be wait until the 24-hour mark.

  4. Take her to the vet as soon as possible. The vet will not deny her medical care if you don't have the money up front. Work out a payment plan with the vet if necessary, but to allow your cat to suffer is animal abuse.

  5. You have no choice but to take her to a vet.  Or, if money is really that tight call your vet and describe the situation to them.  They know the right questions to ask, and if they think the cat needs to come in they won't hesitate to tell you so.

    Response to "Additional Details": One does not "hold off" on a c-section because there might be potential problems with anesthesia.  Neither would your vet so I hope that information did not come directly from your vet.  I'm sorry that you seem so aggitated by the idea that the best and ONLy place for this cat is at the vet.  But frankly, what would you have any responsible pet owner tell you to do?  Even if your cat has an allergy to a particular anesthesia there are many other things that your vet can do to sedate this cat.  The alternative would be that the poor thing will suffer a cruel death because it can't finish delivering kitten(s).  LEAVE IT TO YOUR VET.

  6. get the kittens and the mom to the vet right now your cat will die if she still has kittens inside of her.  denying an animal medical care that it needs is abuse and you can be fined and/or spend time in jail.

  7. i would call a vet to get their opinion. hopefully everything goes ok

  8. She needs to see a vet.  She is at serious risk if there is a kitten and it is not delivered.  

  9. Go to the vet and find out. If you can't afford a vet, you shouldn't have pets.

    Get your cat spayed.  It's incredibly irresponsible to let your pets breed considering the overpopulation problem.  

  10. Cats can take a break in the middle of labor for hours, often for as long as a whole day.  Here is an article that explains more about what to expect, and how to tell if she is in distress and needs medical attention:

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