
My cat had seizures while I was at school..?

by  |  earlier

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Should I go to the vet to see her?

I'm scared I might be upset..




  1. Go see her she needs you if you were sick she would want to see you

  2. Ask yourself........which is more important?  That your cat is happy to know that you love her enough to come see her, or that you're too afraid of what you might see!

    Suck it up and go see her.  If she's really bad off, it COULD be the last time you see her alive!  Seizures can be controlled with medication, so she may be able to come home and live a longer life, WITH medication.  However, you'd never forgive yourself if she died, without you being strong, and caring enough to go see her.

    Hopefully you'll do the right thing.AND she's able to come home, after this.........Good luck.

  3. You should go. She would be happy to have a familiar face and touch when she is sick.

    I hope your kitty is ok......

  4. if you were at school how do you know what the cat was doing lol

  5. Well, you should go to see her  

  6. i don't know what that is

  7. better see a vet, it is not uncommon for cats to have feline epilepsy. when i first developped my seizure disorder, i adopted an epileptic cat, cuz i felt sorry for it and couldrelate. easily treatable with low dose dilantin sprinkled in food.

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