
My cat has a bad cut on his leg?! HELP?

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My male siamese has a really bad cut on his left hind leg. All the fur is off of the cut, and you can see the skin, at first i thought it was the bone, but i think its just the bottom skin layer. Its bloody, Its not leaking though so it may be dry blood, He's hopping around, and not using that leg. What should I do? He goes outside, because he always goes out the doggy door, we think he may have cut it on the fence trying to jump it. I don't really want to bring him to the vet because of the cost. But if I have to I may have to. But is there a home remedy i can do? Please help.




  1. no you have to go to the vet. infections will cost more. he could have a fracture.

    please know this isn't said meanly but it is illegal for you to not get your sick pets the vet care they can be facing jail time and fines..your cat is suffering with this bad of a wound and you commited yourself to helping him when you got him...

    add: never give tylenol to dogs or cats. ONE tylenol can KILL a cat.

  2. sorry to say you really need to take him to the vet most vets are nice and will work out a payment plan with you till you get him there you can give a cat baby tylenol in milk and put neosporen on the cut  the vet will be able to give himk a shot to prevent infections

  3. Taking your cat to a vet will be the best possible option for you.  However, if you are really unable to do so, you can take care of your cat's cut until you are able to get professional help.  First, you need to make sure to clean the wound thoroughly so it will not get infected.  Applying a sanitizer or sterilizer is a wise idea.  Let the would dry off, and apply iodine.  Your cat will not like the iodine, but it works like magic.  Wrap the wound in a gentle cloth, and make sure it isn't loose, but not too tight.  Give your cat lots of liquids, Tylenol might help to relieve the pain.  Changing the bandages often is a good idea to prevent infection.  Give your cat a lot of love as well, but avoid messing around his cut unless necessary.  Best of luck, but remember, the only 100% way to avoid infection and get the best care is to take your cat to a vet.

  4. I would lock the doggy door and not let him out because it can get infected. You need to wash the leg with luke warm water and a cloth. You may have to wrap him in a towel with his front legs tucked in so he doesn't run away. Don't use alcohol but after you wash it off. Get a cotton ball and dab a little peroxide on it, but don't let your cat l**k it because it is poisonious. Dry the peroxide off the leg and repeat it daily. If you've washed it well enough then you won't need to wash it daily, but you have to check it for redness, swelling or feeling hot because that is a sign of infection and he will need antibiotics. But don't let him out until he is walking and healed. Its probably not a good idea to let he be out anyways if your not there to watch him.  

  5. Simple question for you:

    If you had a bad cut on your leg, deep enough to see the different layers of skin and were limping around unable to use the leg ... would you want to see the doctor about it or just put a bandaid on it and hope for the best?

    Yes you need to take your cat to the vet. The cost will be much less now if you get it treated, than if infection sets in. Would you rather he come home in a few days with maggots in the wound? Or wait till it's so bad the leg must be amputated?

    Please take your cat to the vet and get him the care he needs. It will be better in the long run if the wound is properly cleaned and bandaged. Plus it will be much less painful to your cat!

  6. all i can say is that if you live close to tj then ur set..

    i go to tj and get what is called penisilina and cures cuts like those.

    it helps prevent infection and helps heal...

    my cat had a bad cut in her stomach and i used the medication and it worked in just less than 4 days...

    its cheap too.. no vets not to much money wasted just one bottle costs like 3 to 4 dollars..

    good luck..

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