
My cat has a liver disease and is hospitalize as we speak...

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A vet tech from the hospital, who my boyfriend and I both know, txted my boyfriend and told him the cat is f-ed up. Would that make you mad? I mean I know she's in bad shape. I think it was unprofessional and inconsiderate of her to say that. I want to hear facts and information about how she is, not a stupid comment like that. Unless she has something more constructive to say she shouldn't be saying anything at all. How would you feel? Do you think I am overreacting?




  1. You bet it would make me mad.  Furious even.  It seems obvious she's communicating in an unprofessional way because of your personal relationship, but that's no way to speak of one's furbaby.

    If you knew a nurse at a hospital where your child was taken with third degree burns, would you want to hear that he was f'ed up?  Of course not.  

    You would think a vet tech would understand that to many of us, our cats are like our children.

    I don't know what if anything you want to do about this, but you would be well within your rights to inform her that when you saw her message you felt that she was being insensitive and it distressed you.  Or words to that effect.

  2. I'm sorry! That is terrible and as one who worked in the field as such I can tell you that behavior like that would not be tolerated if the veterinarian knew about it. (At least not where our vet was concerned)

    It's up to you to decide if you want to report this vet tech. but at the very least I would call and expect to speak to someone other than "this friend" who obviously has no idea as to the proper way to handle things.  And in the future, I would also expect to speak to someone other than "this friend" to make certain I got proper reports on my pet and in a proper fashion.

  3. THat is very unprofessional. As someone who also has their cat in teh hospital right now, I would be livid, That is very hurtful. I really recommend you ignore your bf and call and complain. No one with a lack of sympathy should be working with animals and their owners like that!  

  4. I would call the vet and tell them what she did.  There is no excuse for that.  It was cruel and uncalled for.

  5. I would be mad also. Ditto calling the vet and complaining. The degree we love our pets differs, but in those of us who love them dearly, this was very cruel.  

  6. No you are not overreacting, that was a very unprofressional thing to do. You should call the vet and tell them what she did. I agree with mcally.

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