
My cat has a lump on his shoulder what is it?

by Guest65976  |  earlier

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my friend sais its a fatty tumor but my kitty is only 12 weeks old! so what is it?!?!?




  1. how long has it been there?  If iy has only come up over the last 24 hours it could be an abcess, caused by fighting with other cats.  If it is an abscess it may need draining by taking her to the vet.

    If it is a fatty tumour you may want to get it checked by the vet.

    Moral of the story - go to the vet :)

  2. I would take your cat to the vet.  My cat had had something like this and the vet aspirated it and tested it and found it was nothing.  But after the aspiration it went away.

  3. 2 most common reasons for the lump would be an abscess or a tumor. an abscess is usually caused by a cat bite that gets infected. if your cat goes outside that is very likely. with an abscess cats will have a high fever, loss of appetite, and can lose weight.

    if the lump is a tumor, it could be benign (good) or it could be malignant (bad/cancerous). keep in mind most of the masses on cats are malignant (i believe the statistics are 80% of masses on the cat are bad).

    there is another possibility- has the cat had any shots recently in that area, or around shoulder blades? sometimes animals will get an inflammation from an injection, and that will go away with time. on the other side of that- some cats are known to get injection site sarcomas (cancers) from shots (especially feline leukemia vaccine).

    you should take your cat to the vet and let him decide if it is an actual mass (tumor) or an abscess.

  4. Sounds like the beginning of a skin abcess.  Recurrent skin abcesses are a symptom of feline immune virus (FIV) and can get quite nasty when they break open.  Antibiotics are usually required to clear them up.  Your kitty is going to need to go to the vet ASAP....

  5. Vet... definitely need to see the vet.  

  6. I can tell you exactly what it is, it's time to visit the vet.

  7. Could be it's shoulder bone.

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