
My cat has a sore eye!! Please help!?

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I noticed last night that my poor cat must of been in a fight, I think his eye has been scratched. It is pretty much closed now. And looks quite sticky. Should I take him to see a vet or will it heal on its own?? He dosent seem bothered by it, but maybe he just cant express pain for me to tell. What should I do for him???




  1. take the cat to the vet. it could be infected!

  2. NEVER try to let it heal on it's own. My cat had surjury after getting scratched in the eye. It's possible that it could get infected or cut again!  

  3. You must get it to the vet. It may need stitches or antibiotics or steroids to heal it.  Delaying treatment may cause permanent damage or blindness.  Call the vet as soon as possible.  Meanwhile, with a warm, damp papertowel wipe the edges of the eye to clear out the gunk.  Do not wipe the eye itself, you could damage it more.  Do not use any home remedies.  Only a vet can diagnose and treat.  Good Luck and get to the vet asap.

  4. take him to a vet asap.  

  5. get him to a vet, it will not heal on it's own, in fact he could lose the eye if not treated properly.

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