
My cat has an infection on his front paw caused by a cat fight. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, he keeps l*****g his wound on his front paw, it has been a month now since he sneaked from home and had a fight with another tomcat and he was scatched on his paw, you know, where the beginning of the nail and the skin meet, he was bleeding a bit from there, more like light blood with a bit of pus. A month later, the wound seems to get better at times and heal up but then all of a sudden it like pops and i see a drop of blood on the floor and here it is again, open. It is not big, more like a small hole but it gives off a foul smell and seems like it is infected for it to smell that badly. I know I should be responsible and get him to the vet but I cannot right now, can I do something to disinfect the wound at home? I thought of putting a bit of alcohol on it but I checked myself in case I would do something stupid, he is not human after all and it would probably burn him. Could I put some iodine and dress the wound somehow? Please help, the wound keeps bleeding every now and then and I do not know if it gets any worse! Please tell me if there is anything I can do at home that works, esp. if you have done this with your cat and it has worked. Thanks so much in advance.




  1. go see the vet

  2. you really should take it to the veet, if you can't why not ask a friend?

  3. Same Thing Happened TO My Husky

    she kept l*****g the infectionand gnawing on it

    first we bandaged it

    but she took it off

    then we took it to the vet they gave it a shot

    -Hope I Helped


  4. i would say jus take the cat to the vet. but dont let them go crazy in telling you other stuff is wrong. Jus ask for an antibiotic thats animal safe. you can possibly wrap his paw too so he wont l**k it.  

  5. are you short on cash that you can't take him to a vet? if so go to your local APL or humane society, they may be able to help you cheaper. In the mean time iodine won't hurt him, you can use that.

    Keep in mind that the longer its infected, the greater the risk of the infection spreading to his blood stream, and killing him. At the very least you're risking him losing his paw by not getting him treated.  

  6. go on   ,  i want to know  your feeling on it , i think it is so bad  

  7. take your cat to a vet

  8. Any wound that takes longer that a week to heal on it's on and seems to keep reappearing, is a sign of something much more serious and needs much more attention than a little alcohol on a cotton ball.  You MUST take him to the vet as soon as possible.  If it is an infection and continues to fester, you could do permanent damage to his paw if you do not get it looked at.  Also, an infection can travel up his leg, into his heart or other organs and do even more damage.  

    If you don't think you can take him to a vet for financial reasons, there are many good vets out there that will work with you and set up reasonable payment plans.  Just ASK!  You'd be surprised how the will work with you to get your little guy healthy.

    The fact that you're on this board... asking this question makes me believe that that's all you want... a healthy kitty!

  9. Take him to a vet.

    They'll know what to do.

  10. Use hydrogen peroxide. Simply pour some into a small bowl, then wrap your cat in a towel with three feet confined and the infected foot hanging, and 'dip' the paw into the peroxide, count to 30, and lift the paw out of the liquid.  It's best if you do this with another person to help you, because you'll want to at least try to 'dry off' the excess peroxide before letting the cat go.  You'll need to do this at least 6 times a day for 4 days, and you'll need to watch the paw to be sure that blood poisoning isn't setting in (the paw will get warmer/hot, and the cat won't walk on it), but hydrogen peroxide will kill most of the 'simple infections' and from your description, that sounds like what is wrong with your cat.  Of course you know to be very careful and NEVER let your cat out again ... and you should take him to the vet as soon as you can afford to go ... call and you may be referred to a vet that will help animals for 'no pay' if you are in a low income category.  

  11. If you are not taking it to a vet, put neosporin or another antibiotic lotion on it, after cleanign it with hydrogen peroxide (NOT alcohol).  Treat it with those two elements every 4-6 hours.

  12. I hate to put it this way, BUT AFTER A MONTH? You have to take him to a vet! NO EXCUSES!  

  13. your kitty needs antibiotics, and yes, it probably is infected. Animals are like humans in some ways, if the infection gets too bad, it can cause other health problems for your kitty as well. Stop being lazy and selfish and take charge of your responsibilities.

  14. =S .. definitely see a vet. poor cat.

    yes, see a vet immediately.

    hope he gets better  

  15. Try peroxide. It should take all of the puss and that nasty stuff hurtin' your kitty away. It won't sting either. One of my cats had an infection on his paw, and that's what we did..and he's all better now. Good luck!

  16. if you love your cat then take it to the vet.

    the infection must be hurting your cat and if your not a vet you really cant know what to do to help your cat. cats are small so little infections can make them shut down and die if they last too long

  17. i would go to the vet duh

  18. In the meantime you could bathe the wound 3 times a day with warm water & distract your cat from over l*****g the wound, if this doesnt help the vet may prescribe an ointment & antibiotics to help clear up the infection & aid the healing process quicker.

  19. take it to the vet  

  20. the only   thing i could tell u is to wash the paw and u r gonna need medicine so without seeing the vet your cats infection might get even worse and more serious.

  21. well you can take it to the vet and have them look at it.

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