Ok, he keeps l*****g his wound on his front paw, it has been a month now since he sneaked from home and had a fight with another tomcat and he was scatched on his paw, you know, where the beginning of the nail and the skin meet, he was bleeding a bit from there, more like light blood with a bit of pus. A month later, the wound seems to get better at times and heal up but then all of a sudden it like pops and i see a drop of blood on the floor and here it is again, open. It is not big, more like a small hole but it gives off a foul smell and seems like it is infected for it to smell that badly. I know I should be responsible and get him to the vet but I cannot right now, can I do something to disinfect the wound at home? I thought of putting a bit of alcohol on it but I checked myself in case I would do something stupid, he is not human after all and it would probably burn him. Could I put some iodine and dress the wound somehow? Please help, the wound keeps bleeding every now and then and I do not know if it gets any worse! Please tell me if there is anything I can do at home that works, esp. if you have done this with your cat and it has worked. Thanks so much in advance.