
My cat has become really unsocial and has stopped talking to everyone... should I do something about it?

by  |  earlier

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you know...... mews to people and hangs out with people....

Now he just sulks, stays indoors, ignores my friends, and sleeps all day.

His gf dumped him 2 weeks ago and walked around the neighborhood with her new male cat and a kitten.

I think my cat is depressed :(




  1. Okay, assuming you're serious, this is the kind of behavior I've seen in cats after they have some trauma, like they were attacked by a raccoon, dog, coyote, etc.

    Maybe the other cat beat him up, and he doesn't want to go outside anymore.

  2. Alrighty then...perhaps it is time for both you and your cat to get some help!  Cat stopped talking...please!

  3. your cat talks to people?


    edit: your cat has a girlfriend?

    tell your cat to get a new girlfriend and show her off

  4. this cat sounds more human than animal. my cats are the same. i got my cat another cat buddy and now the cats are all happy. sometimes they just need another cat to play with and do cat things with.

  5. Have you changed his diet or enviroment lately? Have you ever thought about adding a second cat to your family?

    I would talk to your local vet and make sure there is nothing serious wrong. The vet may have some suggestions as well.

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