
My cat has been run over 8 times and is in full health

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my cat has been in 8 accidents and can walk fine . is it true cats have 9 lives . my cats on her last if it is .




  1. I saw a cat that could walk on it's front paws after some one cut off it's hind feet. They are resilient creatures.  

  2. cats dont have lives like a video game. you cant put 8 rounds in a kitty and expect it to get up. the origin of that saying stems from the amzing resilience cats have, and there near unbelievable ability to fully bounce back and recover from injuries that would cripple or kill most other animals.

    this resiliency is attributed to the cats purr. oddly enough, the cats purr operates between 25 and 50 MGH, a frequency that is known to stimulate bone marrow growth.

    interestingly, this effect extends to humans as well, many alternative medicine clinics advise patients recovering from severe or multiple bone breaks purchase and bond with a cat.

  3. Hmm.. I think it's time to keep kitty inside now?

  4. Matthew, I think this is a wind up.....but if not you should contact the Guinness Book of Records

    Good Luck and good luck to your cat!

  5. Obviously yours does!  

  6. Cats' agility, quickness, and ability to land on their feet have kept this proverb around for a long time. Have you ever wondered about the origin of this statement? It is thought that this came from ancient times when nine was considered a lucky number because it is the "trinity of trinities". Because cats seem to be lucky in their death escapes, this number was well-suited for the cat. Another theory is that the cat-headed goddess of Egypt was blessed with nine lives, and all other cats followed in her fortune.

  7. I wouldn't let that cat outside again if it is true

  8. i guess so if your cat's still alive!

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