
My cat has blood in his poo - black blood. What causes this?

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My 2 yr old cat has diarrhea with black blood in it. There is also a few spots of fresh red blood. He's hasn't got worms and is regularly wormed and isn't stressed. He's has a similar problem in the past with red blood which was due to inflammation in his bowels but this black blood is worrisome.

What causes black blood? He's usually healthy but he has been slightly picky with his food. He eats a bit then comes back after a few minutes and eats a bit more and so on; and other times he will eat the majority of his food.

What causes this? I've taking him to the vet tomorrow but I want some idea of what this could be. Thank you.




  1. Black blood is usually a sign of internal bleeding. This is very bad and very alarming. Red blood usually shows the blood has been oxygenated, black blood means it's coming from within and needs to be treated ASAp.

    Take him to the vet.

  2. Black, tarry blood in the stool is called melena, meaning your pet has upper intestinal tract bleeding. Blood in the stools is often caused by internal parasites, allergies, bleeding ulcers, ingested blood or gastrointestinal diseases. You mentioned the fact that the cat has been dewormed so it may just be bleeding ulcers, ingested blood or anything gastrointestinal. Your cat may have one of the above and this is why you should seek vet help and seek a second opinion. Either of these conditions is always painful for our pets. It deteriorates their health.

  3. only your vet can give you a proper diagnosis but it could be a recurrence of his previous problem. Any bleeding is usually a result of bleeding somewhere in the body usually the digestive tract or bowel. He could have an ulcer but there are numerous possibilities. You do not say what caused his previous inflammation but if it is the same thing again you need to discuss with the vet how to prevent it in future. Try not to give him any food till he has seen the vet just give plenty of water and keep him warm and comfortable. Good luck.

  4. take your cat to the vet because that is not normal.  

  5. whatever it is it is bad ...not too bad that it cant be fixed though ...but please go ahead with your plan and take him to the vet . My dog had the same problem and it turned out to be parasites in her stomach. She would get them from being stressed out or even switching foods ...i had to start feeding her food for sensitive stomachs from science diet ...but the vet gave her medicine and she is good now.  

  6. you doing the only thing you can by taking him to the vets keep an eye on him if he gets any worse take him straight to the vets tonight

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