
My cat has diarrhea. ?

by Guest60184  |  earlier

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Right soo.. she just had babies about two weeks ago, I've been feeding her dry cat food and she's been taking s***s all over the place outside of the litter box. I just want to know some alternative ways I can get rid of her problem because I'm not too stoked on spending money to take her to a veterinarian.




  1. it sometimes happens after an animal gives birth. if you have a regular vet who knows you i would call and ask for metronidazole or flagyl (same thing) its cheap and usually vets will give it to clients without them coming in if they are pretty regular. its usually used for upset stomachs.

  2. Surrender your cat, if you can't afford vet care or don't want to, you shouldnt own pets. First off, you should have her spayed when shes done taking care of her babies... this will most likely greatly improve the litter box issue. And again, if ya can't afford it, then surrendering is your best option.

  3. Hmm, not too stoked on spending money. Then why the h**l let her have kittens? Why isn't she spayed???

    How are we supposed to know why the cat has diarrhoea? She could have caught a bug, she could have worms - bet you haven't wormed her or the kittens - she could have food intolerance, she could have swallowed something weird.

    Since I know you're going to be mortally offended at the suggestion that you shouldn't have allowed your cat to have kittens, I'll offer this - feed the cat chicken and rice only until the diarrhoea starts to clear up then wean her back on to normal food - she MUST be on a kitten food while she's lactating by the way. If the diarrhoea doesn't start to clear up within 48 hours you'll have no choice but to take her to a vet.

    Your question is classic by the way - just another person who thinks it's OK let a cat have kittens but doesn't intend to spend any money on them. For God's sake have the poor thing spayed when the kittens are weaned.


  4. If you don't want to spend money on a vet visit, find a home worthy of your cat.  You don't want to take it to a vet, yet you let it get pregnant.. Gee, great ownership skills!  Get her fixed.  If you can't take care of ONE cat, how can you be cruel enough to bring more innocent lives into a world where they'll never get proper care? That is animal cruelty, whether you realize it or not, because nursing cats need more care now than EVER, and so do those kittens! How can you be so cruel? Someone should pour acid on your nuts so you can't have children. If you're going to abuse animals, what's to stop you from abusing children? You're horrid. And no, I am not overreacting. I happen to BE a vet, and I see the outcome of improper care EVER DAY. People like you should never be allowed to have pets, PERIOD.  YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT THAT DIARRHEA CAN BE?  It can be a sign of AIDS OR CANCER, not to mention many other potentially fatal diseases or immune deficiencies, and if that's the case, those kittens have at lease aids, since it's fed through the milk, not to mention in the amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord.  Congratulations on being yet another idiotic owner.  They depend on us for shelter, food, care, and safety. you are the one who needs to keep them safe and healthy, they depend on YOU just like children, and if you can't take care of one, you don't deserve to have kittens as well, or  to even look at such majestic beings. SHAME ON YOU. You're no better than the ones who throw cats away like trash, assuming they can survive in the wild. THEY CAN'T.  I've seen so many abandoned animals who are bone thin, who have mange, or rabies, skin lesions, broken or missing teeth, broken bones, internal injuries, and THEY are the LUCKY ones! The others end up dead or worse!  I've seen those poor abandoned babies shot, burnt with cigarettes, stabbed repeatedly while people laugh, hung up on ropes so dogs can jump at them at take bites off them or so the sun can cook them.. You want that fate to be your cats? NEVER EVER drop them off thinking a barn or the woods is a great home for them!  That goes to EVERY person reading this!  Don't be stupid.  As for you, diarrhea king, CALL a vet, or at the very least, find a vet website, and message one the the vets there. Don't go asking people on here about a living breathing being, those cats deserve better. PLEASE. Don't put a price on an innocent life, they're priceless.

  5. the problem could be a number of things.  it could just be the body's reaction to the food that you are feeding her.  she needs to be on kitten food that id rich in calories so that she can adequately nourish her babies.  and i am sorry but, it sounds like if it doesn't get better, she will have to go to the vet.  if it is something like a respiratory virus or worse, she could pass it on to her kittens and then your going to have more than 1 sick cat.  i know that the expense of an animal can sometimes be alot, but you should be able to find a vet that wlll work out a payment plan with you, and pets just like children are going to cost you money. it is just part of life, but i would hope that if you have children and they get sick you would take them to the dr. even if you didn't have the money.  they cant tell you what is wrong, but they count on you to care for them and if you take that responsibility you should be able to care for them.  
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