
My cat has diarrhea?

by Guest57457  |  earlier

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So my 1 year old male cat starting having diarreah about a month ago now. Before you all yell at me for not taking to the vet, I had just starting transitioning his cat food from Whiskas to a kind here that is supposed to help prevent urinary tract problems (I had him neutered 2 months ago) so I kind of figured that the diarreah was a result of that and I am living abroad and it is really difficult to get him to a vet and virtually impossible to have f***s/urine/blood tests done (last time I asked for a previous problem they suggested I sneak a sample into the human hospital, have it tested, and then they would read the results).

He has absolutely no other symptoms right now although he did throw up 2-3 times the first week I started switching his food - nothing since then. He is active, happy, eating normally, sleeping normally, maybe drinking a little more than normal but I honestly am not even sure about that. He had an anal prolapse problem when he was really little from fleas (he was a stray I got when he was about 6 weeks and was covered in fleas and really wormy) but that went away after the fleas were gone and he isn't having that problem now either. After he goes diarrhea there is no redness or diarrhea on his butt at all.

He is going twice a day (he always has even when it was normal) without any sort of straining or apparent pain (no crying or noises or anything) but it is soft, mushy, and a yellowish brown as opposed to the normal formed dark brown kind and it smells horrid now.

I'm basically wondering if I should try to switch him to another kind of food, go back to the Whiskas which he was always fine on although it doesn't have the urinary tract infection prevention stuff in it, or if this is likely something else and should really try to get him into a vet. Or is this just normal when switching food and I should wait it out. I have gone through the first bag of food now by itself with no changes. He has been on just this kind now for about 2 weeks or so. Prior to that I was trying to wean him off the other by mixing them for about 2 weeks (that's when the diarreah started).

Any suggestions? Should I switch him to something else or give this a while longer to see if he improves on it? Any home remedies anyone knows of that might help?




  1. bottle cork

  2. take him to the Vet.

  3. My cat  had this 2 when he was one. we had switched his normal cat food to a cheaper one and he had diarrhea  for a week until we switched it back to his normal food. so if i was you i'd switch it back to his old food.

  4. I wouldnt suggest switching food or going from canned to bag or vise versa. Their digestive track cannot handle the change.

    Hope it helped!

  5. omg go to the vet

  6. get him some pampers and go to the vet he may have something wrong with else wrong with him.

  7. When you switch their food that would cause the change. He should improve on it but just to be careful if it worsens and he has a fever or something ( feel his nose: if its dry he isn't felling well, his paws: if they are hot he isn't feeling well, his ears: if they are hot he sin't feeling well, if all of those are this way he is sick) then take him immediately to the vet.  

  8. You should look into the ingredients for the two brands. Its more likely that the UI brand has something in it that he doesn't like. My Baby was on Friskies UI for years, vet recommended. Did a vet recommend the switch, or did you do it on your own thinking it was better? A cat that young should not need UI just on its own. Sometimes they do, but normally the vet tells you that they need something like that. I would switch him back to the whiskers and see if that doesn't cure the problem up. I know, they say its better for the cat, blah blah blah, but when my cat has problems on the so called "good stuff" and eats fine on the friskes junk food, I stopped listening to the opinionated ones. Considering he is 17, I think I might be okay in my own judgment at this point, if you know what I mean....

  9. you should change back to his whiskas food maybe thats the problem if there is no improvement than bring him to the vet

  10. just change his food to a different type,my cat had diarrhea and i just changed his food and it stopped.well good luck!
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