
My cat has feline stomatitis...?

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Hi. My cat Isis is an Egyptian Mau female and for a few years now she has been suffering from feline stomatitis. She has mucus and drool that comes out of her mouth uncontrollably as a result of her gums and throat area being so inflamed.

We used to give her cortisone shots, but in the process this made her immune system go down, resulting in orbital herpes that caused an ulcer on her cornea. This was fixed, but could happen again.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to help Isis with her feline stomatitis that doesn't involve cortisone injections or lysine, as we have tried both a neither really help that much.

Please, any advice? My vet has done all he can do, and the internet is no help. Any ideas will help. Thank You.




  1. My last cat also had stomatitis. It is a very stubborn disease to treat.

    I have a whole file full of information on the disease and was going to email it to you, but you don't allow email. You can join the yahoo stomatitis group (link below).

  2. No, your vet hasnt done all he can do, there is so much more available to your kitty and she deserves a second opinion. Look into taking your cat to a holistic vet, who may be able to perscribe a remedy that will help calm her tummy without the side affects of steriod injections (thats what cortisone is, a form of a steriod). They may be able to assist with the eye peroblems as well. Please, look into it as well as finding a vet that has more experience with internal medicine or if all else fails, a feline only vet, as they are more trained to conditions that affect cats, such as stomatitis.

  3. I have no personal experience but I highly recommend finding and joining any Yahoo groups.  There you'll find others going through the same thing.

    It appears that the key to treating these cats is proper dental care - but it sounds like that's n/a since your kitty has no teeth (did they leave any at all?) and perhaps a good multi-vitamin.

    I found this one:

    Good luck!  Wish I had more info for you.

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