
My cat has fleas and at the moment we are using stuff to get rid of the little buggers

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but i noticed behind her ear was like scabs i think, did the fleas bite cats and leave marks at all??? she doesn't like me touching it???




  1. Yeh fleas do that to cats..dont worry about them she can look after them n make sure they heal (why i love cats)

    tho if they do go manky use some salt water to clean them - she wont like it but toughsies.

    Also make sure yo uhoover EVERY day, and if possible keep her to one room till you kno the fleas are gone (hopefully wihtout carpet as they lay eggs in them), mean but itll help. N use a knit comb to brush them out of her.

  2. yes they did. little buggers that they are!

  3. That would be earmite scabs.

    You're going to need a vet in this case. Not to cure the cat per say... but to get you the meds you need. Also to confirm its mites not yeast. They present the same and you need to be sure as treating for the wrong thing can make the condition worse. Some cats also just naturally have dark ear wax. It does not mean they have mites. So confirm it before you try to treat.

    There are only 2 meds that I have found to work and I have tried them all, not to mention I have tried to treat naturally with every solution suggested to me over the years. I have never had Revolution work on mites either.

    Sadly, and much to the cats suffering... none of them work and I have learned to just go spend the money and treat the cats/kittens asap. Also... over the counter meds and natural treatments are not as effective and must be continued daily for 6 weeks because a mites life cycle is 3 weeks and then you have to treat at least another 3 weeks for any mites that may have hatched after the initial 3 weeks treatment.

    You are going to want to get Accarexx or Milbemite. Don't bother with anything else.

    Either one of these will stop your cats suffering quickly. They are an ABSOLUTE one time treatment and VERY effective. And neither requires ear cleaning before. However if the ears are really bad and filled with mite p**p gunk... cleaning them can kill the mites quicker, hence stopping the suffering of the cat faster.

    Please don't hesitate in the treatment of mites. It's painful and can cause deafness if left untreated.

    For the fleas You can buy Capstar and Frontline Plus here which will definitely kill all the fleas on your cat and prevent re-infestation.

    Use the Capstar right away. It will kill all fleas on your cat with in an hour. It is imperative that you do not skip this. Frontline Plus is only effective if the flea bites the cat. Fleas have a 3 week lifespan and only feed for a few days of that three weeks, so you must use Capstar to kill all live fleas on your cat. After you capstar add on the Frontline Plus with in 12 hours and it will keep fleas off your cat for 30 days. No vet visit required and totally safe. Any eggs that hatch will be killed when they feed by the Frontline.

    Frontline contains fipronil, which spreads via the body oils killing fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours. Ticks are generally killed before they bite, decreasing the risk of tick-borne disease transmission. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

    Frontline Plus also contains (S)-methoprene, an Insect Growth Regulator, which prevents an insect from maturing or reproducing. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

    You can use FRONTLINE flea and tick control once a month and it's completely waterproof. Provide your cat with the best flea and tick protection, right from the start.

    Capstar - Treats flea infestations on pets. Starts killing adult fleas on the pet within 30 minutes. One dose lasts 24 hours. Use when pets are likely to be exposed to fleas. Also may be used prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with the normal nerve transmission of insects, effectively killing them. Not a preventive. For pets over four weeks of age. Package of 6.

  4. Go to the vets You get two tiny tubes for about £8 Squeeze one tube on back of cat,s neck. No fleas for about four months  It works you will be amazed.

  5. the scabs would just have been from scratching, if you are treating the fleas they will leave and the scabs will heal

  6. Your cat probaly has the scabs behind her ears due to scratching. Fleas do bite cats, but the bites are so small its not notice-able.

    Your cat most probaly doesnt like you touching it because it's sore, and so its best you should leave it for a few days and see how it goes. If it gets any worse then try and get some-one to help you hold her and then dab it with water to soften the scab up, and help clean it.

    And with the flea problem, no matter how many times you hover the floor, they will still be there because the fleas fall out of the cat and in-bed them selfs into the carpet and when they feel a warm source come near them (you or your cat) then they jump up and onto you.

    Good luck with the exterimation of them!  

  7. it sounds like it is very sore and you have a bad flea problem! look i have tried the wash then powder the cat and the wash for the blankets and the carpet powder and the fleas just told me where to go!

    when i worked out how much i had spent on the c**p and the c**p is still $10 a bottle for shampoo, $8 on the carpet powder $6 for powder for the cat and another $10 on bedding wash i went out and spent the equivelant on advantix and i got rid of the fleas just like that!!!! and my cat turned into a flea killer....

    it might be roughly $40 for 3 little vials but they pack a lot of punch..

    so if i was you, go buy the good stuff and get some no more tears baby shampoo and bath your cat and try get any matted scabs out of the fur. let kitty dry and get a good quality semi stiff cat comb and get out the knots and burrs (you may need to cut with scissors) and then apply the frontline or whatever you choose on the back of the cat's neck cause if they can l**k it, they will. and you don't want to waste something expensive.... and you get them from petshops behind the counter or vets but vets are more expensive so i asked the vet which one would be better and said yep i'll get it on pay day and went into the petshop and got the same product around $5 cheaper

    all i can say to wrap this up is it seems bad and annoying for the price when you look at the good products and they are so expensive but you pay for what you get in most cases and on the box it says do every month or fortnight but i do my cat when i notice the fleas coming back so it lasts a little longer and then there's happy purring kitty  

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