
My cat has fleas i didnt know till it had babies. the other the babies have fleas.

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is there any way i can get rid of the fleas. without hurting the babies.




  1. Flea comb for now then treat for real when the babies are 4 weeks.

    You can buy Capstar and Frontline Plus at . The Capstar will kill all the fleas on your cat almost instantly and the frontline will prevent re-infestation. Use the Capstar right away. It will kill all fleas on your cat with in an hour. It is imperative that you do not skip this. Frontline (or advantage, revolution, promeris, etc.) is only effective if the flea bites the cat. Fleas have a 3 week lifespan and only feed for a few days of those three weeks, so you must use Capstar to kill all live fleas on your cat. After you Capstar add on the Frontline Plus and it will keep fleas off your cat for 30 days. Any eggs that hatch will be killed when they feed by the Frontline. Refrontline every 30 days. No vet visit required and totally safe.

    Frontline contains fipronil, which spreads via the body oils killing fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours. Ticks are generally killed before they bite, decreasing the risk of tick-borne disease transmission. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

    Frontline Plus also contains (S)-methoprene, an Insect Growth Regulator, which prevents an insect from maturing or reproducing. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

    You can use FRONTLINE flea and tick control once a month and it's completely waterproof. Provide your cat with the best flea and tick protection, right from the start.

    Capstar - Treats flea infestations on pets. Starts killing adult fleas on the pet within 30 minutes. One dose lasts 24 hours. Use when pets are likely to be exposed to fleas. Also may be used prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with the normal nerve transmission of insects, effectively killing them. Not a preventive. For pets over four weeks of age. Package of 6.

  2. Oh, heavens DON'T listen to some of that advice! I have recently been left with 3 litters of kittens to raise varying from 1 day to 3 weeks old. (My hick neighbor killed the stray moms) Also, I have a cat that has had 3 litters and just had her 4th a few days ago. First, fleas are very bad for kittens if not kept under control because they can litterally suck the life from them causing them to not gain weght and parish.. This is what was reccommended by Vets and pet store people and has worked. The garden dusts can kill the kittens, because it is highly toxic! Flea drops on the kittens is etremely deadly, and on the mother are some what of a risk, but in the worse situation can be necessary. Now, baby kittens can NOT be bathed with cat shampoo, or have ANY chemicals put on them. You CAN however, wash them under plain warm water and pick off all the fleas you can find. Make sure not to hold the wet kitten out of the water or without a thick towel or Pnemonia may set in and dry them well. I simply held them on their backs under the running water (not the heads of course) and picked at fleas. After 4 -6 weeks, Dawn dishsoap can be used to bathe which can help sooth flea bites and help make flea removal easier. Also, several times a day do a flea check on the kittens, simply check their bellies, that is where you find fleas easiest. Make sure to either rip fleas in half w/ your nails or put in a cup of hot water...fleas are very hard to kill! If the situation moves onto people: all in the same day, remove all pet and people bedding and wash in hot water, fog your ENTIRE house with flea fogger (follow intrsuctions) and make sure the mom and kittens are in a ventalated tote or crate safe for both mom and kittens when removed from house during fogging, apply flea killing powder (found in the pet section)  on all floors and leave on for at least an hour, but best for 72 hours if possible and use a flea killing spray on all furniture. Also, you may consider spraying your entire yard with outdoor flea killing spray because fleas can harbor in grass and find their way back in on clothes. After that mess, mom and kittens will be safe to come home. It seems like alot and may cost some money, but if you don't get it under control, you will be replacing carpets and calling in professionals at a much higher rate. I speak from experience. With many strays and wild animals in my area, we deal with fleas every year and this works!

  3. she is correct about the sevin dust, whatever is on the mother will be carried back to the kittens, they may foam a little at the mouth but that is just because it tastes bitter not to worry they are spitting it out, the dust is toxic but the fleas are deadly also, give the mom a brewers yeast tablet and sprinkle a little garlic on her food, fleas think those taste bad, also one drop of tea tree oil on the back of moms neck. best of luck  

  4. use flea medication  

  5. There is really not much you can do at this point. When you take the mother and babies to the vet, which you should do soon anyway, he might have some ideas. However, you can't even give the mother a topical medication because she'll pass it on to the babies. Don't do anything on your own; wait for the vet to recommend something.

  6. First  wherever she  keeps  kits change bedding  and  throw  out. Next if she  will let  you use a  dap of vaseline on your  finger  and  dab  the  flea,  you then  can   pick it off with tissue. Same  for  MOM . In area  around but not  in  where  kits  are you can  sprinkle  seven  dust,  available  in garden  area. Repeat  all  steps  daily as  fleas  multiple  fast.  After kits  are  bigger and  past  nursing  you can  apply  seven  dust in  the  play  areas or on their  backs.  It is  ok to use  on  animals but  not  nursing.  

  7. I just had a bad problem with fleas in my house.  We ended up removing 3 rooms of carpeting and spending a whole 2 weeks on flea patrol.  You must treat the cats and your house and the outside of your house.


    1.  Vaccum like crazy...everything, everywhere.  even the couch, your bed etc.  (I'm talking every day vaccuming.)  Sprinkle borax on your carpets and upholstered items.  Let it sit 15-30 minutes before vaccuming it up.  It is said to kill fleas.  You must throw away the vaccum bag after each vaccuming and seal it in a plastic bag, so the fleas don't escape.

    2.  Treat the adult cats and kittens with frontline plus. (it is safe for cats and kittens 8weeks and older)  It is safe for pregnant and nursing cats.  A 3 pack costs around $65 and the 6 pack around $100.00.  It's expensive but it works at killing all stages of the flea cycle (except the pupae stage.  Nothing kills that). (flea collers don't work.)  Bathing the cats is a good idea, but you will have to wait a few days after to treat with frontline or any other topical solution.  

    3. Frequently wash your bedding and everthing that the cats sleep on in hot water.

    4.  Start adding Brewers yeast to your pet's food.  About a teaspoon per cup of food.  (you can add more, it will not hurt the cats.)  You can buy it at a healthfood store or a vitamin store.

    5.  If it gets really bad.  You must fogg your house with a quality fogger.  One fogger per room.  RAID makes foggers especially for fleas.  They have a whole flea product line and it works awsome.  If you choose to do this, you must remove all the pets from the house and keep them in a safe place.  People cannot stay in the house while it is fogging also.  READ ALL PACKAGE INFORMATION AND CAREFULLY FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS.

  8. Get some of the stuff from the vet that you put on the backs of their necks...Frontline is one brand. That stuff works great. If you can't afford that, go get some baby shampoo from the store and give them a bath. I know it sounds like a lot of fun, but it actually works. The fleas will jump off the cat in the water and drown them selves (hopefully).

    Just don't use the store brand 'Hartz' an internet search on this c**p and you will see how many animals that have been hurt and killed from this stuff. If you do medication, get it from the vet.

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