
My cat has fleas what?

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i just noticed that my kitten has fleas (6months old) . her whole head and neck are covered in cuts from straching .can any one give me some good and cheap ways to get rid of these fleas ..they are even on the furniture. thanks in advance




  1. don't freak out.  it's not as bad as it seems.  Go to a pet store (or probably for cheaper you could go to a target or Walmart and likely find what you need)  and look for a spray or powder that can kill the fleas immediately.  Technology had created for us sprays that can kill fleas in minutes with proper use.  

    Now the hard part is that there are fleas all over your house.  You have to wash and clean all these things or your cat will just get fleas again.  

    Good luck!

  2. welll take him or her to the vet or have to forse him to take a bath!!!or flea and tick conditioner!

  3. bath of avantix or flea collar

  4. Start with washing everything in a washing machine...linens, clothing, and the cat's bedding.

    Then give your cat a bath with proper flea shampoo, and follow the instructions.  If you rinse the suds off right away, it isn't as effective.

    Then buy some rock salt from your local store and put small cups in the corners of each room of the house.

    I'm not sure why rock salt works, but I haven't seen a single flea since I did that

  5. The cheapest and most efficient way to deflea your cat and home is to go to the vet and get some Frontline (or equivalent). Nothing you buy in stores works so if you do that you will be wasting money that could be better spent.

    At 6 months old your kitten is old enough to take the treatment. You should also think about getting her spayed or you will have even more kittens and many more fleas.

    I have had cats (still do) for years and years and there's no 'cheap' way round it. Unless you're prepared to pay for flea treatment regularly until your cat dies you will both be miserable and flea ridden.

  6. You MUST get them off.

    get a flea comb. (don't use flea killer on a kitten)

    here is how to get rid of them out of your house.


    I have a NATURAL remedy for getting rid of fleas in your house.

    Go to the Store and buy some 20 Mule Team BORAX.

    Then sprinkle it all over. Carpets, couch, bedding, pillows, pet beds, car, even wood floors. (NOT ON YOUR PET!)


    What Boax does is coats the eggs ... The eggs hatch deformed or unable to reproduce.

    You will have to do this 2 or 3x about a week apart in order to get all the egg cycles.

    FOR YOUR PET. Use the flea killer that is on the market or use a flea comb (this is also a head lice comb) especially for kittens or puppys who are too young to have insecticide put on them.

    Kill the fleas that you find on the comb with soap or alcohol

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