
My cat has never meowed.

by Guest61082  |  earlier

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My cat is a year and a half old, and has never meowed. she is completely

silent. I was just wondering if anybody knew why that is?




  1. We have a flame point Siamese that's about two....never uttered a peep until about two months ago and now he talks all the time. He's always been sort of on the shy side, but now he's starting to act like a "real" cat.

    Maybe your cat just doesn't have anything to say right now.

  2. My cat is exactly like that. She does Meow on occassion, but she's very quiet, much more than the average cat.

    It's mainly due to the conditions it has been born in. If a kitten has many siblings and was born around many cats, they're more likely to meow and communicate more. My cat was from a single litter (meaning she was the only kitten from the birth) and because she has never had the chance to communicate with other kittens and cats, she's constantly quiet.

    Dont panic about it though, it's considered normal if it has been borne from a single litter.

    If your cat wasnt born from a single litter, you should take her to a vet just in case there could be something wrong with her hearing, or her vocal chords.  

  3. It must be very well looked after. My cat rarely meows, unless he is hungry or wants attention. This is nothing to worry about.

  4. Some don't

    does it have lot's of very soft fur?

  5. I have been involved in rescuing and fostering cats for 25 years, so I have had alot through my hands. There are several reasons why your cat might not miaow. One is that she may be deaf, although in my experience some deaf cats miaow much louder than hearing cats! Another is her breed, some breeds rarely miaow, unlike say Siamese who 'talk' much of the time, and another possibility is her character. I have at my feet at the moment an 11 year old Tom who has lived with us for 4 years. He has perfect hearing and is an extremely happy and healthy cat, but the only time I have ever heard him make a sound has been when he is frightened or the very occasional purr when he is beside himself with happiness! He is simply a very quiet cat.

    I would get her hearing checked out but if she is otherwise happy and healthy I wouldn't worry.

  6. Maybe she is deaf

  7. The most fascinating about a cat's meeow or mew, miow, meew is that this vocalization is directed only to humans. Cats do not meeow to each other - they may hiss, growl, yowl, spit and caterwaul but never meeow.

    Usually, a meeow is an acknowledgment of some sort of a polite request. A cat may meeow when she sees you after you reach home from work, as a form of greeting. Of she may meeow to you when you are preparing her dinner to tell you to hurry up please.

    And the most heart warming meeow is called the silent meeow. She may open her mouth to meeow but no sound are emitted - thus silent. It is thought that this silent meeow is their manipulative way to act innocent so you will give it to all their whims and fancy.

    However, with all that said, there are cats who doesn't meow, sound off or vocalized. This doesn't mean that something is wrong with your cat. Your cat prefer to be an active listener rather than participating in conversations. This are all very normal and you shouldn't be concerned. Some cats do develop a very soft and whispery meow over time but that is not a guarantee. So, don't worry at all. She loves you in her own silent way.

  8. She may be deaf, or if she is not pedigree, or she is a tabby, she may be part scottish wild cat, my dad had one, they do not meow when they are kittens, it is a survival behaviour, they start to meow when they are adult.

  9. my friends cat didn't meow for about 2-3 years, just opened her mouth and no sound, even when waiting to be fed. She discovered her voice about a year agao, and now has the loudest meow  i've ever heard on a cat. If you're really concerned, mention it to the vet on her hext visit, but I wouldn't be too concerned, and maybe you should make the most of the peace while you have it in case she does discover her voice! lol

  10. Its the breed, look for your cats breed below.

  11. If she starts using sign language, she may be deaf or dumb. Otherwise check the breed.  

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