
My cat has run away, and I'm almost crippled with anxiety and grief. Please help?

by  |  earlier

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He disappeared on Saturday night, not to be seen or heard from since. He is also deaf which makes calling him futile. Please share experiences of finding cats, or a time when it becomes less painful.




  1. I'm sorry for your loss. Try posting pamphlets and contacting your neighbors, maybe someone has seen him. Good luck.

  2. Ok, it's a he.  Is he neutered?  Keep in mind that male cats have a large roaming area they like to patrol, an un-neutered cat has an even larger roaming area.

    Has he been out before?  If not, it's a case of "Ooo, this is new!" so he's out and about, sniffing things and finding new places - and girl cats!!

    Put a pic of him in your window saying "LOST" and put a few flyers about on lamp posts (although kids often tear these down which is so not helpful).

    Chances are, once he's explored everything he'll be back, calm as you like wondering what the fuss was about.

    If he has a favorite treat food, put some of this on a dish and stand out in your garden.  Cats noses are incredibly sensitive and he may smell the food (and you).  My two love tinned sardines and will come gallomphing along for this.

    Good luck and I'm betting he'll be back once he's explored "His Land"!.

  3. If you have any good pictures of your cat you could put up posters, ask neighbours if they have seen him etc

  4. Go out and walk around the neighborhood to see if you can spot him. Ask people in your area if they have seen your cat. Take a picture of him with you so you can show it to who ever you do ask.

    Check in with your local shelter too. Chances are it "could" have been mistaken for a stray and was brought into a shelter.

  5. I know your pain, I am a huge animal lover and have Alot of rescued pets and work in rescue. What you need to do is get a humane trap. You put food in it, cover it with a towel, and set it. The cat goes in and it shuts behind them. If you don't know where to purchase one, call a local rescue and ask to borrow one of theirs. we always have them around, but be sure to return it, and with a small donation, would be nice. Your cat may be frightened if it is not use to being outside. Don't put any food out, but what is in the trap. If you do not use a trap, make sure to put food and water out for him.Spread the word that he is missing. Tell neboghbors, make flyers. Go around and check outbuildings, they he may have gotten himself into, and got stuck. Ask people around you to do the same. we had our cat disappear for a month and a half, and we were totally sick and horrified, the not knowing is the worst, I even called a pet psycic (sp?). She came home  all that time later, very thin and dehydrated, apperantly she had been trapped in somewhere, and probably had survived on a few mice. Its only been since saturday, chances of him coming back are pretty good.

  6. relax

    ask everyone in ur hood if they saw ur cat

    then drive around in ur car(if u drive) and look 4 ur cat

    i feel sorry and i hoped i helped

  7. I have a kitten who is an indoor only cat and i can't imagine having her go outdoors. All my previous cats have taken off before and come home a few days later. maybe try putting some pics up of her on some posts and notice boards asking for her safe return.

    i hope she comes hope xoxox

  8. I had a cat who went missing, she was gone for 6 months then she turned up at the local animal shelter. The second time for 2 months. Another cat was gone for a week and she turned up at the middle of the night mewing at the window. Just put up posters, let the neighbors know and phone the shelter. Your cat will hopefully turn up safe and sound :) p.s keep your eyes peeled!. Oh and cats have a good sense of direction!.

  9. Ohhh, come on... Post its picture everywhere...

  10. put up flyers and stuff...and just think positive and also call neibers and u will find him sooner or later!! anyway good luck and remember, THINK POSITIVE u will find him dont worry!

  11. I'm very sorry to hear what happened.

    Try putting pictures up everywhere you can.

    I really hope you find him :]

    -J a n e l -

  12. They wil usually come back - they believe the house is thier home too.

    good luck

    put up some posters


  14. First off ignore the rude 'indoor cat advocates' as usual some people are very narrow minded and can't understand that things like this happen!

    My cat 'ran away' a few weeks ago, turns out my neighbour ( who is slightly mad) thought she was a stray and took her in.

    Your best best is to contact all the local shelters near you, take in pictures or email them if they have a website. Print off small leaflets and push them through all your neighbours houses including houses behind you and put the notices up on notice boards if there are any around you.

    Talk to as many people as you cna about your cat and put your contact phone number on any leaflets you post, you will be surprised at the amount of responses you get, I was!

    And really just keep looking, if you have had bad weather he may have hidden somewhere, he could be trapped in garages etc so I know it's the worst time but don't assume the worst. I was convinced my cat was dead and the whole time she had been lounging on someones bed across the road!

    I really do wish you the best of luck!

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