
My cat has seperation anixety?

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Whenever I leave he is always meowing. Nothing too bad, he doesn't pee everywhere or rip things up. He just cries a lot. We have a dog as well, so he does have company. He's four years old and really not playful at all. How can I help him?




  1. Many times kitties meow for attention... and many times they meow exactly when we wouldn't (or couldn't) pay attention to them. I agree with the general consensus to ignore pets when they behave in attention-seeking ways. However, the big problem with this is often the pets don't stop immediately. That can be very frustrating... and makes it hard not to pay attention. Which just continues the cycle!

    You need to try to break the cycle. If pets get a response from you by doing something (meowing, barking, etc.), they are just repeating that action to get a response again. The first rule of thumb is do not respond directly to the cat’s meowing even to get up, shush, or yell – any response counts as one, even if it isn't a positive one. If your pet continues to meow, try a time out. Shut the door to the room you are in, when she stops meowing, she can come play. If she meows again, back out she goes. More than anything else, this will take time and patience. Good luck!  

  2. Go to the vet and ask for cat tranquilizer pills.  

    Then go home and take the pills.

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