
My cat has suddenly started meowing a lot..?

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My cat used to never meow, maybe once in a while, but lately (this past week or so) she has been meowing her head off. I'm not sure if it's her way of telling me something is wrong with her or what...

Anyone else have this issue?

Oh, and she's spent every waking moment with me too! So it's not like a neglect cry or anything.




  1. My cat is usually very quiet, but when he meows, he needs something or is trying to alert me to something.  He meows when a neighborhood cats are sitting near my window, when once a neighbor's cat got stuck and I had to free him, and also since he is on medications, when he thinks I am getting late with giving him medicine (it seems he has a built in clock).  Make sure that he is still okay with litter box, eating his food and drinking water.  If there are any changes in his habits, you should check with your vet to be on the safe side.  

  2. Cats who meow and rub against you alot are in heat. My mom works at a Vet Hospital, so she told me that when my cat was doing the same thing.  

  3. Just because she is with you all the time, doesn't mean she's playing.  Try playing with her up to 30 minutes a day.  As for the meowing, cats do that - they vocalize and "sing".  Unless it's doing it in the middle of the night, let him sing.  If he's doing it at night, make sure you play hard with him before you go to bed.

  4. usually cats want something...maybe going outside or food.

  5. Any behavior change in a cat is significant. Vocalizing and neediness is a clear indication your cat should at least be assessed by a vet.Vocalizing can be an indication of stress or pain.Cats don't meow to communicate to other cats. They meow to communicate with us. Your cat is reaching out to you saying somethings up!Watch her litterbox experiences and have her checked out soon.CBC/Chemistry with a urinalysis will give the vet a minimun database to evaluate your cats health.

  6. It is ok. My cat meows when he is lonely or he wants to play. read the book cat lanuage.

  7. Is she in heat?

  8. If your cat has not been spayed yet, she could have gone into heat. They become more vocal and desire more attention when this happens. Give it a few more days and see if she stops.

  9. that is really weird. my cat is very vocal all the time and meows when you talk to him, call him or he is waiting for his break fast but he has always done it so i wouldnt have a clue why yours has just started. Is she very old? maybe if she is only like 6 months or something it is just her personality coming out? sorry i cant help you

  10. its normal for cats to meow at you its there way off saying they want feeding,milk,prawns,biscuits,a love, a fuss,to go to toilet..try being in my house when you have 7 meowing at you all at the same time and usually all wanting something different.luckily i've had them from kittens and are all 15,16 and 17 so i know what the meow means.

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