
My cat hides all day and only comes out to eat and go to the litter box. HELP!

by  |  earlier

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I adopted Finton, my 10 month old kitten 1 month ago. I thought by now he would be out of that hiding stage. He stays under the bed in the spare bedroom. I can reach under the bed and pet him. If I do this he will come out and let me pet him, but only until I leave the room. When I leave the room he doesn't follow me, he hides again. At night I have to shut the spare bedroom door because he will come out of the bedroom and wonder around the house meowing. Sometimes in the mornings he will be waiting by the spare bedroom door when I open it, and he will follow me into the living room. This usally last for only about and hour because the slightest noise like a car driving by outside sends him flying back to the bedroom were he hides for the rest of the day. Please help me.




  1. Sorry to say but your cat has most likley has had a bad past before it came to you my uncle got a cat from th humain society (he helps animals in need)   what was wrong with this cat is the same the reason it hides because it is most likley affraid its old ownes or someone is going to come and beat it or whatever they did to the poor thing i would try maybe trying to confort it more talk to him/her in a calm voice it always be telling them there a good girl/boy and some wet cat treats would help maybe i am not entirly sure

    Best of luck and hope this helps a little

    Regards Cherish

  2. aww maybe he got abused when he was younger by the previous owners? or he had a terrible experiece ? as a vets.. go down to one or look online

  3. You could try to take him from room to room and stay with him. Put him down, pet him, talk to him, and try to distract him from his fears. Try playing with him, get a string and drag it along the floor. Cats love that and take to playing right away. If you brought him home from a shelter that right there is enough to scare any cat out of it's wits. Shelter life for any animal isn't a Sunday school picnic. It's a very stressful life for them. Give him as much physical contact as you can. It's going to take a long time for kitty to settle into his new environment. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. With a lot of patience, love and work. He will come around someday. I like the name you picked out for your kitty. I bet deep down inside he's a great cat.

  4. I have three cats, two are rescues and a little timid still. When I adopted my last one, she was born ferrel, the rescue lady said when you go and greet your cat squint your eyes up and l**k your lips as this is the way cats greet each other. It works. Also Rescue Remedy is a good, natural calming aid. You can put it in food or water. Good luck  

  5. I have had a cat for about 9 years now that has acted like that since the day I got him. You can't pick him up, he won't sit on your lap. He runs from anyone else, Normally when you do see him he is on his way from one hiding spot to another.

    I guess that's just some of their personalities.  

  6. Your kitten is on the timid side and needs a lot of reassurance. Finton might benefit by sleeping with you in your room. His meowing indicates that he is looking for company and needs to be close to someone. He waits by your bedroom door hoping that you will come out and not only feed him but to rescue him from his loneliness. He will become more self assured when he realizes that life with you is safe. Some cats, especially male cats are more needy and need extra attention. Enjoy your new addition.

  7. Your cat is very cautious but it's gained a special bond with you. It waits by the door just to see you. Listen and think. You only got this cat 1 month ago and it takes about 50 days for a cat to adapt to it's new enviroment .I dont remember where i learned that but i know i heard it and i learned from it. Your cat is the sweetest there is and believe me, it's true. Your cat is trying to protect itself by going into that little room. When somebody first gets a cat it usually explores the place a bit for like, about 50 days which i already mentioned. Your cat needs to learn that every little noise isnt going to hurt him. When i got my first cat which was a stray, i remember there was this little feather that was being moved from the fan and my cat just stood there terrified looking at it. Then a year later he w acting like he lived there for years not scared of anything. You need to bond with your cat. Believe me, the more you play with it and all, the more it will love you and trust you. You said that sometimes it follows you to the living room but then he gets scared and runs back. The next time it follows you, close the room door so it can't be running back. Then when it tries to hide comfort it and wait for him to eventually come out. hope this helped. xoxo

  8. As you have only had the cat a short time he needs t get to know you, it can take a few months for this to happen. Best way is to build up a bond with her by playing together,the old ball of wool works best try playing around the scratch post too and use a bit of cat nip on her toys

  9. It can take a cat a very long time to settle in and feel secure.  Try and let him sleep with you in the same room, he may even come onto the bed and sleep with you.  They love company, we have a cat, had her for 6 years now and when I am in the house she follows me everywhere.  When I sit down she settles down on my knee, she is just a lovely natured cat and maybe your is the same, he needs to get used to all the everyday sounds and realise that he is safe with you.  Try not leaving him alone too much and keep talking to him.  It may take him a while but he will be okay all he needs is loads of love and attention which I am sure you will give him.

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