
My cat hides in the kitchen cupboard, should I put locks on them, or is that being mean?

by  |  earlier

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She hides from the dogs but she has a room she can go in to get away from them. She is becoming anty social she just hides all the time. What can I do to make her feel safer. besides get rid of her or the dogs.




  1. awww.  x3  I can just see a scared lil kittycat hiding in the cupboards.  I suggest you give it a hug followed by a group hug with the dogs along with it.

  2. no, it definitely isn't mean. i have a small dog that always runs into some of my open cupboards to hide from the big dog. It's not mean its just safer for her because what if she's so afraid that she doesn't come out and something happens to her while shes inside. You are simply looking out for her which is not mean at all. All I can tell you is to slowly start introducing her to the dog. hopefully once they have contact between the two she will learn that he is harmless.

    if that doesn't work out i think what you are doing is fine and just keep that single room open for her to go into when shes afraid

  3. Is it safe for her in the cupboard?  Is there nothing in there she might eat that would make her sick, etc?  And is there any reason that her being in there is a problem for you... is there anything in there she might break, etc.?  If it's safe for her and not a problem for you, then I say let her do it.  She wants to feel safe, and that's where she gets that sense of safety.  When she starts to feel safer in other places in the house, she'll venture out, but forcing her out of the place where she obviously feels the safest will stress her out.  

  4. If there is no danger to her in the cupboard then let her go in she feels safe in there, but make sure she cannot get out through the backs of the cupboards as this will lead to all sorts of problems. When she goes in check on her every so often and try to keep the dogs at bay while you do this so she will not feel threatened. You need to reassure her as she sounds as though she has had a run in with one of the dogs and is now very timid, let her have her space but give her the love and cuddles to bring her round again it may take a while but a little patients is all you need. Good luck. =^..^=

  5. Let her hide in the cupboard.

  6. Do the dog's harrass her? If so then that may be the reason she is being anti social. You can try and teach your dogs not to mess with the cat (if that is the case) or if it comes down to it, try and keep the cat secluded so she will feel safe and not scared. I wouldn't get rid of your animals. If the dogs are indoor/outdoor then when the dogs go out you can let your cat out of her room for some freedom...but if the cat likes to be in her room then thats ok too. Just be sure to give her lots of love and attention to make her feel safe and secure. Be sure you pay attention to your dogs too so they won't feel neglected and think you dont love them anymore. I would not let your cat hide in the cabnets because there is too much stuff a cat can get into...cats are curious by nature and she may "see" what you have inside your cabnets (if you keep cleaners, meds, or food etc) Hope this helps.

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