
My cat is 19 YEARS old, how old is he in his years?

by  |  earlier

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The chart on the vets wall doesn`t agree with my understanding of 1 year of our life is worth 7 years for a cat or dog,




  1. if he is 19 in years then guess wot he is 19.

  2. He is 92 years old, approximately..

    You figure out how to determine a cat's age by doing the following ::

    -- Allow 15 human years for the first year of your cat's life.

    -- Add nine years for the second year. A two-year old cat will approximate 24 human years.

    -- Add four human years each for successive years of his life.

    In the end you get 92 :)  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  3. i thought it was eight?,!!

  4. wtf is a cat year?

    if its 19, its 19, not unless it has developed the power of time travel, in which case it could be older than the entire univers, possibly.

  5. 80 years old.

  6. Congrats that your cat has lived so long so far!

    My Maine Coon is 19 years old too! He'll be 20 in April 09!

  7. times 19 by 7  

  8. That's a good age for a Cat. enjoy the time you have.

  9. 133   (I think it is 7 years to each cat year)

  10. 93.

  11. you add 7 years on to the 19

  12. 90 years old, check it out..

  13. hmmm.... most cats live roughly til they are 15ish so probs about 85ish


  15. 7 times 19 = 133

    133 years old in cat years. A very good age indeed.

  16. 7 years is for a dog, cats are a little more complicated. Refer to the source I've posted.

    I calculated 92 for a 19 year old cat.

  17. No idea but I LOVE cats, so please give the furry fiend a kiss for me!!!!!

  18. your moggy is 133 every year you times by 7

  19. 93 hes a good age :)

  20. wow that is a great age for a cat! keep up the good work x

  21. your cat is 133. you time 19 times 7

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