
My cat is 23 years old - today he looks very frail and has been pacing the garden all day?

by  |  earlier

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He is still eating and does not appear to be in any pain - but for almost 16 hours he has wondered around the perimiter of the garden - he has stumbled a couple of times like his back legs dont want to hold him up but other than that he seems fine. He has never done anything like this before. I wonder if he is at the end of his life which has been a long and happy life. I dont want to play god and have him put down as he does not appear to be in pain. I wonder if anyone has had any similar experiences with their cats




  1. You can't always tell when a cat is in pain. They don't always openly exhibit it like people do. I think it would be a good idea to at least have a veterinarian examine him. Sometimes a natural death isn't always the best, especially if it's a slow and agonizing one. There are some veterinarians that come to your home to do procedures. You could call one to come to your house to examine him, or put him down if necessary. He would be at home and comfortable with you.

  2. Basically I agree with you.  If the cat is not in any pain (sometimes even this can be managed), is still eating, etc. then why euthanize?  My cat lived to age 18 and I thought that she did well, but wow, 23 yrs. is a really long time! =)  You must have taken very good care of him all his life -- congratulations on making it this far with him!

    Does he have any chronic ailments, like heart problems, kidney or liver problems, arthritis, etc?  If not he's *Really* doing well. :)  I would still take him to see the vet, though, just to make sure there's nothing going on that could be treated or at least medicated so he would be more comfortable.  Make it clear that you're not interested in euthanasia at this point.  I think most vets would respect your wishes, and even if they disagree they legally can't do anything you don't authorize. Good Luck with your kitty.

  3. i think u should just take him to the vet..


    he maybe just tired...

  4. wow. congrats for keeping your cat alive for 23 years :) i hope mine live that long.

    um. it kinda sounds like what my dads gf's dog is starting to do.....although, he is is probably in a lot worst shape.[like, seriously, he's in diapers..]

    you may just have to accept that your cats time is maybe coming to an end...

    :( .. best wishes.

  5. Take him to the vet for check-up, it could something else, like joint problem.

    I thought my cat was heading that way in January, even discussed with the vet about things, then amazingly her condition improved & she just had her 14 birthday yesterday!

    On the other hand, if your cat is ready to move on....

    As he's not in pain, let him die at home, his body will shut down gradually.

    Just give him lots of gentle cuddles & stroking.

    Take lots of photos too for keepsake.

    He will know how much he is loved.

    Your cat must have very good genes and you have done an amazing job to get him to be 23!

    God bless to both of you.

  6. Yeh, at that age he may be getting a little senile and it's quite likely his legs aren't as up to a 16 hour walk as they once were. You might want to take him to the vet just for a check-up, and have a chat with the vet about quality of life issues for such an elderly cat.

  7. Awww poor cat! He grew to be very old. Older than what most cats would live.

    If its not arthritis then the cat muscles are becoming weak due to old age. He is towards the end of his life. : ( sad. He lived so long. Make sure his last days are happy

  8. probably.

    just MAKE him a feast tonight and stuff.

    ped him

    and let him do w/e he wants.

    good luck



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