
My cat is 60 days pregnant and been very restless ,but today is very lethargic,r we getting close to delivery?

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for the past week she has been very restless and would not settle,but today she has been drinking lots of water but is now very lethargic,she went to her bed then has to be near to me at all times,she also keeps going to litter tray but nothing is comming out?is this normal? she doesnt seem herself today and im very worried.thank you




  1. signs of pregnancy

    1,reddening nipples,-this is known as pinking up,and occurs about the 3rd week of pregnancy(cat only pregnant for 9 weeks.)

    2,gradual weight gain 1-2 kgs depending on how many kittens she having.

    3,swollen abdomen(don't prod the abdomen to feel for kittens,you could cause serious damage.)

    4,behavior changes,when she becomes maternal

  2. yes spay neuter

  3. Gestation is usually about 60 to 65 days. That's about 9 weeks. Being restless could be a sign that she's starting labor. Like a woman her uterus will expand and contract and cause some discomfort.

    If she's lying there l*****g her bottom that's a sign she's in labor. It encourages the labor when they do that, plus they have birthing discharge just like women.

    What you can do is find a nice, quiet dark place away from everyone and put down a box with a towel (one you don't want back). Then show her it. Put her food and water near it. She'll "nest" in it and hopefully will use it to have the babies in (instead of under your bed). Cats will usually crawl into a tight dark place to have their babies so make it easy on yourself and find a spot for her rather than let her pick it out.

    If you see a discharge coming from her then you'll know she's in labor. If after a few hours you don't see the babies coming out then you might want to take her to a vet. Sometimes momma's will have one big baby that just gets stuck. You'll want to be careful about that. If she's panting heavily for a long time and nothing's happening then you might want to take her to a vet.

    Keep in mind that having the kittens is an all day, all night, next day affair sometimes. She won't have them pop, pop, pop. So leave her to it and keep the kids away!

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