
My cat is TICKING ME OFF!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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well, i was just petting him and he was being all lovey dovey and then he bit the c**p out of me!!! made me bleed! then put his ears back and cause he knew he was fixin to get smacked! he knows its bad when he does it so why the sudden personality change? then when i walk by him he will reach out his paw and kinda scratch me! he's so sweet sometimes then will turn totally visious!

MIGHT I ADD tha he weighs 30 pounds and its not fun when a 30 pound cat looks like he is going to attack you!




  1. i had a cat like that.. he was evil. lol. try feeding him more. or giving him more attention.. do u have any other pets? if u give them more attention the cat will get mad. hope that can help..

  2. well when you first start to pet a cat it's like " ohhh this feels sooo goood" but then they usually get sick of it and it's just there way of saying i have had enough now leave me alone, it happens with some of the sweetest cats i own so when you see the sign that the cat puts his ears back or his tail starts to flick really fast, just walk away and when you walk by him and he tries to claw you he is saying that he wants to play or he is trying to pick on you like a little kid would pick on another little kid, they don't know its ticks you off it's just their nature

  3. Ahahah I know how this feels. My cat will go from an angel to a devil in a split second. I guess it's just the way they are...cuz my freind's cats do that too.  

  4. cat's have very strange chemicals being produced in their brain, a person with such chemical imbalances is considered schizophrenic.

  5. A cat i had use to do that.. she would be really nice than all of a sudden hiss at me for no reason i started ignoring her (i know it sounds stupid) but she stopped doing it. I would also smack her everytime she did it.

  6. lolololol. ouch. my cfat scratches me for no reason too. liuke he will roll around and brush against me and then i reach out and he takes a whack at me with his nails. try the spray bottle technique. won't hurt him but he will hate it. all u rly have to do is when he bites u yelp and take a spray bottle with water and spray him in the face twice. if he does it again, do it again. eventually he will learn that if he bites u and scratches u he will get sprayed at. btw, what do u feed him that he weighs 30 pounds???

  7. he may have an anxiety disorder call your vet and describe his behavior then your vet will probably refer you to a veterinary psychologist to give you a full evaluation of his emotional problems

    you could be in danger if this behavior worsens, i suggest calling a doctor now or ASAP.

  8. you and your cat have relationship problems. tell him he needs to be nicer to do or you won't feed him his kitty treats in the morning anymore! Then, if that doesn't work, don't feed him any kitty treats at night either! See how he likes that! HAH! Revenge is sweet... :P plus he might actually lose some weight... because he might get health problems if he doesn't. LOL

    actually... lol, i have two cats and they're like this too. i think its just a cat thing

  9. never give your cat i smack this always works for me point really hard to him and say NO! REALLY LOUD AND SHARP!

  10. is he a  maine coon?  if not you need to put him on a diet.

  11. lol, fat cats are funny

    my cat weighs half your cats size and he does that to me to i pet him then he bits me, or when i am laying down he attacks my head! sounds funny but it hurts

  12. xDDDDDDD

    I think this just made my day. You made me laugh out loud.


    *wipes tear*

    anyway to answer your question cats are little b******. You know they don't give a **** about anyone but themselves. and then 2 minutes later they'll walk over purring like nothing happened. Little s***s.

  13. Well, first of all, don't smack him. Maybe it's payback for being so mean to him.

  14. You cat is lying contentedly by your side asking for some petting and you begin to gently stroke the cat. At first the cat is purring away, but within a few minutes the purring slowly stops, the tail begins twitch and then suddenly the cat grabs your hand with its teeth and claws.

    This is a well-known behavior pattern, but it's hard to tell why some cats are more sensitive to petting than others. It may have to do with early socialization with people, or with genetic disposition. Either way, it looks like some cats become over-stimulated and feel threatened when petted too long. Exactly how long is too long differs from cat to cat. If you live with such a sensitive feline, you will usually learn what it considers to be too long.

  15. Never hit or yell at him. Cats have very good memories, if you upset him once, he WILL remember this and hold it against you for years or longer. Perhaps that's why he bit you in the first place?

    Whenever he does this say OW loudly and immediately stop playing or petting him. This will teach him that bad behavior ends his precious play time and pampering time.  

  16. he probably doesn'tt like you . so maybe you should give him some alone time. and if he starts to get aggravatedd leave him alone until he calms down

  17. Squirt him with a squirt bottle, cats hate getting wet.

  18. Whoa that sounds like my cat!She is small and cute and is black and brown with long hair and she seems to have these little violent tantrums!Cats are like Virgo's and they get ticked off easily.They are really changeable, one minute they love and the next they hate you.I just leave her alone when she gets that way.

  19. hello

  20. your cat sounds exactly like mine! bring him to a vet if he is that vicious and they will give him some pills to calm down, if the pills dont work theres nothing you can do its just his nature.

  21. my cats like that too.

    you just have to be careful and when they stop nuzzling you back take your hand away. even if they havent hurt you yet.

  22. I had the same problem and what i did was slapped her! just slap him/her. until he/she stop  

  23. Better than being ticked on.

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