
My cat is a year old and 4dayse ago he had loose stool with blood.Again today.Please help

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My cat is a year old and 4dayse ago he had loose stool with blood.Again today.Please help




  1. Possible causes are stomach or intestinal viruses, intestinal parasites, dietary indiscretions (i.e., eating garbage or other offensive or irritating materials), inflammatory bowel disease, neoplasia, fungal or bacterial infection, hyperthyroidism, and loss of pancreatic function. immediate vet care is vital.

    this could also mean either an ulcer or a tumor. keep him on light cat food (nothing canned) and take him/her to a vet asap. both an ulcer and a tumor can lead to death so seeing a vet is extremely important

  2. HONEY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE HIM TO THE VET ASAP!!!!!!!!, I had the same thing happen to my Oriental "Ozzy" he started with the loose stools and then the blood, I thought,.... OK worms so I wormed him, that didn't work, so I thought Okay, well I give it a day or two and if it doesn't stop I will take him to the vet, well, I should have known better, I took him in and he had toxoplasmosis, this is a bacterial infection in the intestines, and is almost impossible to get rid of, the medicine Azithromicine, does help but it causes anorexia in cats, they just stop eating, so We force fed him, and he just kept getting worse, and I lost him on July 1st and 6:10 pm, I'm not saying this is what your cat has, I'm just saying don't take any chances, get him checked and make sure its not Toxo, good luck, and PLEASE email me and let me know he is OK,  

  3. Take him to the vet at once, he could be fatally sick.  

  4. VET ASAP, please!  

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