
My cat is acting really weird what is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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My cat is 9 years old and a male but lately he's been sleepier and even though he always meows a lot, lately it's been for minutes at a time and low like Mroow, Mrow. I'm worried what could be wrong. We have a dog staying with us that belongs to a family member but this has been going on for 3 days and the dog came today. Please help.




  1. he knew the dog was coming?

    if he is not fixed, a new woman may have moved in nearby.

    i would bring him to a vet, he may be in pain.

  2. Your cat needs to see a vet and find out if everything is OK.  He's also just about the age where he should be having a geriatric exam.  Most vet's start geriatric exams around age 10.  A few simple things can make a big difference for a kitty beginning his "golden years"

    Good Luck!

  3. I would suggest taking your cat to the vet as son as you can. He may be  in internal pain, that may not be serious now but could become serious.

    Also, He should be heading to the vet now, anyway. When a cat turns 8 years old, thats when they are considered 'mature' New diet requirements, more possible health problems and you need them checked out by a vet at this time. So, he's 9 years old. It's that time =)

    If you take him to the vet and nothing ends up being wrong, than I will say that my cat has done that in the past (She's 5 years old.) If comes and goes within a week usually. So, if the vet finds nothing wrong, then don't worry, it's all good =).

    Hope this helps!

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