
My cat is acting very weird with my male cat, & she make weird noises when he is around her,what happened?

by Guest62704  |  earlier

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My cat is acting very weird with my male cat, & she make weird noises when he is around her,what happened?




  1. phew.

    your kitty is falling in love........

    she make that sound to impress the boy and i think she wants to mate with him.

    just like girls to boys ha

  2. If she isn't spayed, she could be in heat (the period of time in  which a female cat is ready to mate). The queens (female cats) make these purring like noises when they are in heat. It's hard to explain. It's a lot more high pitched then a purr. I guess you could call it a trilling noise...

  3. What happened? In about two months you'll find out when you have a litter of kittens hidden all over your house.

  4. She sounds like she is in estrus (heat) if she isn't spayed better have her done very very soon because in 67 days you will have kittens that you must care for and then find homes for.

    If both of your animals are spayed/neutered they are just having non sexual fun

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