
My cat is afraid of everyone. How can i get her to trust me and to let me pet her.

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I have 2 cats. The cat that is afraid of everyone we got after the other one. We got her from the SPCA. She will bite or scratch you if you pet her or try to get near her.How can I get this to stop?




  1. TIME. Patience. Give her some time to get used to everything. Some cats take several months. See if there is a treat she likes. Bribing them sometimes works. Good luck

  2. You just have to build up her trust and show her that your not going to hurt her show her shes in a loving home, before you adopted her she probably came from an abusive or deflective family that's why she probably like that that's what happened to a dog my aunt adopted that acted the same way your cat dose.

  3. Sit down on the floor  with your cat. Don't make eye contact. Don't say anything. When she comes to ( this may take hours ) observe her actions. If she sniffs you, be very still.  If she reacts nicely pet her and give her a treat. If she asks aggresively stand up and turn your back. Keep your back turned until she calms down then sit down again. Reward if she responds positively. Keep this training up until problem resigns. Hope i helped! :D

  4. I have had a lot of ferals let me pet them because I've gained their trust.  I feed them and talk gently to them.  I don't pay them special attention or work at coaxing them to me.  I acknowledge their presence with a smile and, sometimes/often a gentle voice, as I feed them.  I just let them feel they are part of the environment.  I let them watch me interact with my own cats.  Eventually, they don't run when I put food down in front of them [other cats are around too].  Then (eventually), they seem "one" with the surroundings... that is, at peace.  And (eventually, agin), after letting them get super-comfortable with my hand being so close, I stroke their backs ever-so gently wild they are eating.  Do that (increasingly) until your cat get used to your touch.  

    In other cases, I have coaxed ferals to me -- over long periods of time -- with food.  That is, I talk to them nice, and keep letting them know I am not going to hurt them.  As they get very comfortable with my being around, I put food down close to me and "coax" them to get it.  Eventually they do...  Eventually, they come very close.  Some prefer (at least, at first) to rub up against me, without my hand touching them.  [They don't want to be grabbed!]  Again, eventually, they let me pet them - and still like rubbing up against me.  All the time, I still talk to them nice.

    I have one cat (it's actually wild) that was real sick... hungry, as I recall...  It came around every few days, but one day was too weak to run from me.  It wsa very young at the time.  I picked it up, brought it into the house, fed it tuna and some herbs (for healing).  I had the opportunity to stroke it then & took advantage of it.  I fed him, petted him, talked to him nice.  Before he was well & strong, he was grateful and knew I was a friend.  From then on, he lets me pet him...  and he comes into the house (and out) as freely as my cats do.  He's beautiful & sweet!

    If any of that gives you ideas on how to coax your cat to you, I wish you success.  

    OH!  P.S.  I have a cat that will run from me whenever other cats are around.  It's like she might get picked on or beat up if the others know she loves me & I show her affection.  However, when I get her (say) in the bedroom, alone (where the other cats can't see her), she's all over me with hugs, "kitty-kisses", purring!   (Then when she goes back out with the others, it's the same thing -- running if I try to get near her, even with food...  like she fears me!)   That is "cat politics", I guess.

    So, maybe your cat needs to "play the game".

  5. Try giving her small pieces of chicken and don't try to grab her to hold her or pet her it will just scare her more.  She probably was abused before you got her so she doesn't trust anyone.  I have 2 cats and I got them from the SPCA too, one of them used to be just like your cat.  About 3 years ago, I got a dog and had to have a doggy door put in and they figured out how to get outside.  Every since she has been much happier and I can pick her up and pet her.  Be careful if you decide to let your cat outside that they don't run out in the street or like in my area where there are coyotes.  Hope I helped :)

  6. It sounds like you adopted a feral (Wild).  Did you just get her?  Does she like treats?  An easy way to get her to tolerate you better is grab a bag of treats, and if could be a portion of her cat food.  Every time you see her, throw a treat.  Once she starts excepting the treats, throw them closer to you.  Eventually, she has to be right next to you to get a treat.  Get everyone in your household to do this.  

    The next step would be actually touch her for a very short time than treat.  

    Feral cats are wonderful once they come around.  They tend to be a lot more confident without completely giving up their wildness.  She'll come around.  The older the cat, the longer it will take.  IF you just got her, confine her in one room and play the treat game.  

  7. i had a cat like that but she was only like that because in her last home she was around a lot of kids and kids aren't really gentle with animals and they really just pulled her tail or other mean things

    she never came downstairs and she hid in my parents closet all the time or under their bed and we had another cat that was a different breed that was really playfull and kind of helped her to see that we humans were not all that bad

    like we'd play with the younger new cat in front of the old cat and the old cat would kind of get jealous and then she'd cautiously come over and want some attention but she still didn't come over to you that often and she only ate canned food also, she threw up a lot

    you can try just showing your hand to her every now and then and let her sniff it but don't try to pet her you just have to do this process very slowly but it will eventually work  

  8. she was probably abused like our cat. ours had abusive owners and was then adopted from a shelter, and even after 10 years he still bites.

    you just have to let the cat smell your hand, and if she bites it let her, don't pull away or it'll hurt. usually after you let them have their way with your hand they'll trust you and let you pet them. at least this is how most shy cats are in my experience.

    don't try to intrude in on her too quickly, and don't be obnoxious or rough around her or she will remain afraid. if you are always gentle around her she will eventually become friendly.

  9. A cats personality is often formed in the first two months of life, being taught by their mother, and with positive human interactions.

    Shelters normally will not adopt out a feral cat or kitten without the person knowing specifically what they are up against.  If it is a no-kill shelter, normally they are fostered before adoption.

    You didn't mention the age, or how long you have had her.  If it has been only a short while, she is probably scared, and her world has totally changed.

    You need to build up her trust.  Bribing with treats is one way, but also getting down to her level is another way.  Approach her on all fours, so you do not appear as big.  Talk in a steady voice, but not a low voice, but a bit higher pitched, as her mother's meows are not low pitched.  Extend your hand, and wiggle your fingers to see if she will come and sniff.  Don't try and grab her, as she will become defensive.

    Sometimes, extending a brush and then a gentle brush on the top of the head will let her know that there is only pleasant things from responding to you.

    You want to build her trust, have her associate you with good things, and let time cure most of the problems.

  10. well feeding it gains the trust.or when you approaach her let her sniff you or just sit by her and dont move.good luck

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