
My cat is almost 8 weeks pregnant (56 days preggo), she's showing mild signs of going into labor...?

by  |  earlier

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For the past 3 days, she's barely eaten. Yesterday she vomited once, and she barely drinks at all. She's been acting very sleepy lately and at times she wants all the attention on her and sometimes wants nothing to do with anyone. Her stomach becomes hard on and off and you can see her kittens moving inside her. What does this mean?




  1. She sounds like she might be getting ready to have the babies.  Our Mama cat had her kittens 5 weeks ago, she did the same thing for almost a week before she had them.  Make sure you have a box with blankets/towels in it close to where she normally sleeps and in a quiet place away from all the "noise" of the house.  Encourage her to lay in there so that when it comes time for her to have the babies she will go there on her own.  Hope you have a healthy happy litter of babies.

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