
My cat is bleeding about a week BEFORE having her babys is it normal?

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My cat is bleeding about a week BEFORE having her babys is it normal?




  1. If it's just a little blood then it's probably fine.  Our girl was already pretty pregnant when we found her so we didn't know when to expect the kittens - she bleed a little for more than week before they were born and all the kittens were perfectly fine.  But she only bleed a little.  If there's much blood or anything else in the blood then she needs to see a vet.  

  2. Hi im sorry i cant help with this question but i have added a website hope this helps.

  3. No, this is not normal.  Caring people spay and neuter their pets and don't allow them to become pregnant.

  4. well first of all it dpends on how much bleeding that she is doing.  if a little, it could be that she is getting ready to have them a little aerlier.  if a lot, call a vet. it could mean that the plecenta has started to detach and f that is the case she will need an emergency c-section. or if you arent sure call a vet anyway.  they would rather answer any questions, then have something tragic happen.  

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