
My cat is constantly scratching herself?

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My cat constantly scratches herself, I don't think she has fleas as I have treated her with tablets, that spot on stuff and also washed her with flea shampoo. What other possibilities is there? Would it be best to take her to the vet? and if so, how much is a type appointment charge?




  1. Is she scratching at her ears?  If so could be ear mites. If its other places part her hair to see if  there are any lesions on her skin. There are so many things that can cause them to scratch.  Is she in central A/C? That can dry their skin big time.  Take her to your vet.  the cost is up to the individual doc so call several to find out what an office visit charge is .

  2. Take her to the vet, could be dry skin, allergy or any number of simple things.  Your vet will be able to pinpoint the problem.  The cost for a visit and testing varies, just call the various vets in your area and ask what the fee would be for a cat with this problem.

    Good luck.

  3. Hello,i hope you didn't do all these things at once?! The best way to check for fleas,is to stand the cat on damp paper and comb her,any dust that falls onto the paper will turn red(flea poo) if she has fleas.Please don't use flea spray and flea collar,as mandi suggests. I have 4 cats,i use spot-on Frontline on them every 5 weeks,all year round.

  4. Does sound like fleas. I would try a flea collar and flea powder or spray. Also comb with a flea comb. I wouldn't go to a vet until you have covered all the 'over the counter' remedies due to cost, unless you feel you are barking up the wrong tree, or should I say meowing up the wrong bush?

    I would guess a vets charge would be £20-30 for a look-see but thats pure guess work. Obviously if you feel your puss is in distress then I would not pause to take her asap.

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