
My cat is driving me nuts! He humps my dog, and hangs on tight. The dog runs out of the door with the cat...?

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...still on his back.

My next door neighbour shouts out "ride him cowboy". What should I do?

Both the cat and the dog were neutered six years ago, and have grown up together. They're the best of friends but, the Randolph Scott antics are getting beyond a joke.

It is however, quite comical to see a cat riding around the yard on the back of a dog!

Any ideas? Or, should I just make a video of it and try to earn a bit of cash from TV shows like "You've Been Framed"?




  1. Earn some money. ;)

    Sis's cat had a moment (not as dynamic) between a plain green garden lizard and her cat. The lizard was on the front porch and the kitty was sitting there like she was Queen Bee. The lizard wasn't going to have any of it, and *bit* the kitty on her paw, not once but twice! Kitty took off running and hid under the bed. Sis was in the front yard and fell down upon the grass laughing over it, too.

    Cats are just fun pets. Not one is the same, and every owner has those crazy moments!

  2. let me think...................................... win maybe 10 or even 100 thousand dollars or attempt to stop them

    hard choice


  3. Try "lightly" spraying the dog with something the cat finds offensive.or rub the cats coat with orange peel.Cats dont like citrus wiping the dogs coat .with something.NOT harmfull to the dog if licked

  4. If it is a male u should try getting a female or borrow 1 & put them together in a room together for a day & see if that works

  5. lol it sounds hilarious get it on you've been framed and earn yourself £250.

  6. I have a 9 yr old female (spayed) Chihuahua and a 9 yr old female (spayed) Siamese/Himalayan.  They've been raised together since birth.  For the past few years, EVERY DAY.....the dog "humps" the cat, and you'd think they'd know the difference!   If the dog doesn't initiate the "session", the cat comes and "asks" for it!  Really weird, huh?

    Don't worry about long as no one is getting hurt, let them have their fun!

  7. take the video,lmao

  8. take a viodo & send it to americas funniest home viodos  

  9. hahahah rapist kitty not even getting fixed can stop true love ok il be serious i don't realy think it iis very humane to make $ of off a dog getting raped ut i don't know how to stop it maybe you can push the cat away from the dog (gently) if  he tries to do it and he mightstop

  10. Throw a bucket of water over the pair ..... then you'll have two wet pu$$ies ............... !

  11. tape it and send it to AFV and also put it on youtube

  12. could be a dominance thing?  

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