
My cat is getting bigger.?

by  |  earlier

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okay my cat is about 6 months and i feed him about 2-3 times a day. and hes not getting bigger. i mean i feed him. but he goes outside alot and runs around for about 4-5 hours! (yes i know thats alot) but he isnt getting bigger and i dont wanna take him to the vet.

this is picture of him. His name is Murko. (Mur-ko)

this was taken a while ago.




  1. hi.   what a gorgeous looking kitten, if he hasn't been wormed then try doing that, sometimes they can have worms without us knowing....good luck

  2. Kitties under 1 year old should not be on a feeding schedule.  You should leave dry food out so they can eat however much they want when they want.

    After a year you can put him on a feeding schedule if he get overweight, but it sounds to me like you wont have that problem. :)

    How much does he weigh?  If he's happy and active I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. That looks soooooo much like my cat and the size is the same and i have the same problem i think its just the way they grow

  4. Don't let him outside.

  5. he is adorable..he looks healthy i wouldn't worry a slong as he is not losing any weight...still looks like a kitten i am sure he will grow soon

  6. my rooster too...


  7. I would worm him

  8. don't worry about it kittens are very active and they burn a lot of calories and stuff when they play but a normal kitten should only weigh about 5-6 pounds, kittens take time to grow just like a baby, eventually they will get biggerkeep feeding him throw because kittens need energy and protein to play if your still not sure visit these websites

  9. Awww he's so cute! :3

    Buuuut i don't think you should worry about it much, let him grow at his own pace just make sure he's eating healthy and is in a healthy environment and he's good to go! Also about going outside, its very dangerous for cats to be outside so if anything just supervise him the whole time he's out then let him inside.

  10. You should always take young animals to the vet for a checkup to see if everything is going ok. Especially now that your kitten Murko is not growing you should take him right away. You should also limit his exercise to 1 hr/day. He could be burning all the calories he is getting from his food. Maybe you need special kitten food, because that could help him gain weight.

  11. there a guy in key west who would take this cat off you for his show ,,he has kittens that talk ..its really f@cked up down there

    hope this helps

  12. Hey may just be a very petite cat, or he may not be hitting a growth spurt yet.

    Don't worry as long as he is happy and healthy there is no cause for concern

  13. Its normal for a cat to not get bigger. Its only a little kitten. My cat is 7 and looks like shes one. Its ok if its little. But as long as you feed them they will be ok. Its only a baby give the kitty time and it will get bigger.

  14. Try to keep him inside. And even though you don't want to, take him to the vet. Or call the vet.

  15. awww. your cat is so cute!

    well, thats normal. wait and see. by the time your cat is three or four, your cat is full grown. but theres nothing wrong with your cat hes just very spirited.

    sometimes cats go through phases of eating and excercsing. Where did you get your cat? If you got Murko from a farm or such they will stay small until they are atleast 2. and THEN start getting progressively bigger. If you got him from a pet store, then try feeding him once a day for a little while. This will cause him to have his meal, run around for a few less hours, then snuggle up with you because he is tired. If you feed Murko, then he will go crazy with energy until you feed him again. I think your problem is not that you feed him to much, but that you feed him too often. This way also, you get to go places throughout the day without having to worry about him.

    Hope that helped : )

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