
My cat is going threw her second pregency, and she has worms. the samething happen the 1st time. i also have a

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a semise cat n she keeps going pepe everywhere. its driving me nuts. she does not have a blatter infection. she beats on pregnat cat too. i dont know what to do.




  1. Wow the woman who gave up her cat to have babies, incredibly self absorbed and selfish, would you give up the babies to get a cute puppy!!!!!

    Other people seem to have been jumping at conclusions and its not for us to judge, as long as you are responsibly sorting out homes for kittens etc.  I assume if they are both house cats then you must be a breeder???

    Anyway the siamese peeing everywhere could be a Urinary tract infection or Feline Urologic Syndrome but you say its not a bladder infection, was this tested, are there signs of straining, prolonged squatting when you catch her?  

    Cystitis is a bacterial infection which they may not have tested for, does she l**k around that area alot or have discharge you have noticed?  Bladder stones can also cause this if you think its not a physcological problem, call the vet and ask what they tested for when they checked for the infection and offer these two to see if they would have also been tested for at the same time.  You should be able to do this on the phone without the headache of going there and paying for another examination.

    Urinary Incontinence is loss of voluntary control, are they small amounts found all over as the overdistended bladder loses the ability to contract and empty so its more of a constant dribble, there are treatments for this.  How old is she?

    If it isn't medical but a behaviour disorder then it could be a number of reasons.  Are there any recent intrusions and changes that have happened in her routine?  Has this happened for a while or only since the other cat became pregnant? Is she getting less attention than the pregnant cat? How long have you had the second cat, has it happened since she got there?  Does this only happen at certain times of the month so it could be related to s*x drive if you haven't had her fixed, I know you say she is but she could still have symptoms, Did you have her done or did you get her being told she had?? Does she have scar on her tummy?  I heard that some small percentage still get the urges even though they are fixed so maybe that is your trouble.  The dominance and aggression with the other cat would all tie in unless its her breed which I don't know about.

    Have you caught her doing the pee??? This is important as if she was squatting (downward spray) then this is normal urination indicating there is a problem possibly medical.  If she is standing and the tail is quivering, held straight up then she is spraying (horizontally at an angle spray) then this is sexual.  Both male and female cats spray, which some people don't realise, though males more frequently.   So if she is using her litter box to defecate but is peeing in small amounts in numerous locations then I think its more likely you have found your answer.

    Try some of those sprays out there that create and aversion to repeat location spraying (moth balls, orange peel, rubbing alcohol can work and also get some urine gone etc and get the carpet cleaned properly in those areas so she doesn't keep smelling the same smell on the carpet to instigate more peeing.  Close the blinds so she cant look out at night to see other cats during her fertile time. If you catch her spray her lightly with water and leave the bottle near the main site.

    Try something simple like changing her litter (worlds best cat litter I think is best) lock her in the room with the litter tray more to hopefully promote more peeing there, sit with her when she does it there and feed her treats and make a fuss after she goes.    Have you moved her box recently, could she not like its location?  you may need to get a few and put up with having more litter boxes around the house.     Do you have a spare piece of carpet that you can put under her litter box so that she feels that carpet feel before jumping in as it might just be she prefers the texture.  

    You may have to buy a book on cat behaviour, especially siamese as I have heard they can be highly strung, strange etc.  Perhaps try to decrease the amount of time she is alone.

    I have spent more time on this than on your other cat as its her who will be suffering, with the dominant beating up and the smelling of another cats pee constantly can't be healthy in her condition.  

    The worms, you don't say what kind, are something that could easily have been co-existing without sign since the first pregnancy

    Many people also don't know that worming medications only kill the worms but not the larvae encysted in the tissue plus migrating worms are also a problem.  This is why you need a 2nd and sometimes 3rd and 4th alternating weeks treatments.  Many cats don't show signs of having worms in their stools, even after killing the worm but tiny eggs which only a vets lab can detect so there is a huge possibility that she has been carrying all this time and you not being aware of it.  So again people shouldn't jump to conclusions.  What about the tom who got her pregnant, if she slipped out she could have gotten them from anywhere or was it supervised, maybe he used her litter box??

    Alot of worming treatments are NOT recommended once pregnancy is established, tapeworm medi, in particular, are toxic so your vet should sort this out for you.  Have her checked one week before the kittens are due and hopefully you caught them and the kittens WONT get them (again another know it all out there)

    Towards the end, and especially at birth start to limit the amount of time the cats spend together if you can.  This may make an improvement in the Siamese's behaviour and will give the other cat a break to be a mummy again.

    Hope you solve your problem as this must be a nightmare, sorry this is so long winded and hope you get through it all, sorry no solutions as too many problems but hopefully there are some suggestions.

  2. Your pregnant cat has a lot of chemical changes going on in her body right now that make her smell like a new cat to your Siamese.  Have they gotten along in the past and it's just been since this other cat became pregnant that the unwanted behavior began?

    Have you tried separating the two again and tried re-introducing them?

    Have you washed and cleaned everything that was urinated on with an enzymatic cleaner like "Nature's Miracle"?  It may be something that will work itself out as the Siamese gets used to the new smell of the pregnant cat.  In the mean time, you may need to close a few doors to keep your Siamese from wetting on bedding or in places where you really can't afford unexpected surprises.  Don't give up just keep working with the pair.

    As for worms, it really depends on what kind of worms your cat has.

    If it's worms that are a result of "fleas" then it's not uncommon for even an inside cat to benefit from being de-wormed once per year when he/she has a yearly vet check.  Fleas come inside the house with humans on their feet and legs.  Even one flea can live long enough to create flea eggs which the cat digests when she grooms herself or others and the cycle has begun.

    Talk to your vet and see if it would be safe to have your pregnant feline wormed now; before the kittens are born.  The healthier the mother cat the better for her.

  3. Shame on you for allowing your cat to have a second pregnancy and obviously not getting her veterinary care since she has worms and had them the first time she was pregnant...and probably the whole time you've had her....I am hoping that you have more than one litter box for 2 cats, and that you clean them out every day at least....the siamese may be put off by a dirty litter box, especially if its used by the other cat....You need to give up one or the other of those cats, and don't keep any of the litter when born; Also please take the cats to the vet....the siamese probably also has worms and could use some vet care....then make appointments to have them spayed not continue to add to the cat overpopulation in this country.....they deserve better....

  4. Take them to the vet! Unless the siamese cat has had a urinalysis from the vet you won't know if she has an infection.

    You need to have the other cat dewormed and Spayed.

    You don't sound like a very responsible cat owner. Either talk to your vet to learn what you need to know, or give the cats to a shelter.

  5. why didn't you get your cat spayed after the first litter?

  6. the kittens will all have worms then, the Siamese cat is she fixed?  

  7. sounds like you have a similar problem like I had. I ended up having to give up my cat but that was bc my husband and I were talking about trying to have a baby. I did not want to have a spiteful cat around the baby. Cats just do things like that sometimes for attention. They are funny like that.(i ended up having twins)

  8. You have way too many female hormones in the house.  All of the problems you are having will be solved by one simple thing - getting them spayed! Nothing else is going to work.  And you *know* she doesn't have a bladder infection?  You've taken her to the vet, and they have determined that?  

    Time to take care of your cats.

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