
My cat is going to have kittens but i thought she would have had them by now you can see and feel them move ?

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they have been visibly moving for three days now there are no signs of labor though and she is quite big just getting worried now although she seems fine




  1. When she starts looking for quiet dark places is when she is due. Congratulations on being a parent ;-)

  2. Hi, I am in the same boat here. The cat that I am fostering has a large belly and just yesterday the kittens started moving. Enough to where they are visibly seen. We thought she was going to have her kittens LAST week already, so we are just waiting ever so patiently.

    Good luck and lets hope our babies have their babies soon!

  3. It takes exactly 63 days.  If you know when she was "caught" that should help.  If you are really worried, Have your vet take a look.  Always better safe than sorry.

    Another thing to look for is for her to be nesting.  She will start dragging a shirt or small towel to a nice dark place - usually a closet...   Help direct her to a cool, quiet, dark, safe area with those things already there so she is used to them.  Have some food, water, and her litter near by.  Perhaps find a nice big box with the front cut out she can feel secure in with a towel or shirt that has your scent on it.    The last thing she will do is stop eating.  And most of the time, the kittens will come in the night when you are sleeping.  Cats are very private and if interrupted or stressed, will actually hold labor off as long as they can - even to the point of harming the kittens and themselves.

    You should all be ok.  I was just sharing some info.  Again, if ever in doubt - call the vet - have his phone number near (like on the fridge) by just in case of emergency.

    Prayers be with you and enjoy the experience.   :)

  4. don't worry about her. I'm sure she'll give birth as soon as possible

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