
My cat is making vomiting noises?

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About once a day (sometimes every other) my cat will sound like he's going to hurl any ideas why?

Is this a problem?




  1. for one cats throw up they just do. might be a hair ball. you can buy something called laxatone to help with hairballs.  if its mostly food that looks undigested i wouldnt worry. if its liquid with hair in it its probably hairballs. if its just bile and smells worse than normal vomit take him to the vet.

  2. My cats do the same thing about twice a week but it ends with them coughing up a big slimy hairball!!

  3. It could be fur balls or it could be a heart or lung condition.  A really old cat or young kitten should be taking to a vet to make sure it is not a major problem.  So don't take chances and see if it goes away, please.  Best of luck to you and your cat.  Mary Queen Of Flirts

  4. Trying to hork up a hair ball.

    give some vasalene that will make it go the other way.  

    also give it some grass to eat. (the lawn kind)

  5. Could be that he has a hairball caught inside of him and cant seem to get it up. If I hear my cat do that, I rub her back or up under her chest softly to help her. If he still continues it for a bit, I would have it checked out. Just a thought from me..!!

  6. It probably means he has a hairball stuck. Of course, it could be something entirely different and if these noises continue then I would call the vet.

  7. it souds like he has something stuck in his throat. if he keeps doing it i would take him to the vet it could be something really serious.

  8. Sounds like he is trying to cough up a fur ball.

    If he keeps doing it,you may want to make him a vet appointment.  

  9. Well, like others have been saying, it could be a hairball.

    If you notice your cat starts lazing arround more, not moving much though still eating you should take him to the vets, my cat had this problem. She started laying arround more than usual, not interested in anything, became uninterested in being stroked and played with, but was still eating. We took her to the vet, and it turns out she had some type of seed/grass stuck in her throat, and we had to pay to get it removed.

  10. as others hairball...  

  11. It is summer.  Cats shed more in the summer.  If you are not doing a regular combing or brushing, probably a hair ball.

    If the litter box is all right, then it likely is a hairball.  Changes in litter box habits is often a sign of a problem.

  12. Hairball

  13. sounds like hairball.....

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