
My cat is nearly 8 and has always sucked my bedding, anybody out there know why he would do that?

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My cat is nearly 8 and has always sucked my bedding, anybody out there know why he would do that?




  1. It's a source of comfort. There isn't anything wrong with it, it's just something cats do. Mine is 6 years old and he like to knead on a blanket I have.

  2. Mine kneads blankets and pillows. She was taken away from her mother too soon, and she has always done it. She goes into a zone, too, it's funny to watch. Then she goes to sleep, so it must relax her.

  3. taken away in birth too early from mom and he gets comfort in this and its not hurt in anything.

  4. When they are taken to early for the mother they sometimes devolpe this habit. My cat used to suck my thumb or ear while i was sleeping.

    As they get older it becomes a comfort thing. It doesn't hurt anything (except maybe you have soggy blankets?).

  5. Your cat is doing that because he is happy.  He does that because it reminds him of being a kitten.  When kittens suckle on their mother they press their paws back and forth on her chest. It is something all kittens do because instinctually because it helps the flow of the milk.

    Your cat is just taking comfort in those memories, lol.  Think of it as a child sucking their thumb.  

    He must be a happy cat.


  6. He was taken away from his mom too early and not weaned properly. It is like a little kid sucking their thumb, it comforts them.

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