
My cat is not moving its back legs...

by Guest61445  |  earlier

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my 5 month old cat accidentally got shot by a .22 with a plastic pellet (sorry don't know much about guns) on his hip/ very top of his thigh ... i see blood but i can't tell where it's coming from and he's dragging around both of his legs like he cannot feel them (even the one that didn't get shot). i wanted to try to see if he had feeling in them so i dipped them in water and he shook them off so apparently he has some feeling in them, and when i touch the spot he got hit at he cries. i'm flat broke and i can't take him to the vet, what should i do? and will he be alright? this happened yesterday at 5 pm and its 11 am now and he's acting fine except for his legs.




  1. Most vets are happy to work out payment plans, so please do not hesitate to take your kitten to the vets.  The longer you wait, the more expensive it could be.

    Good Luck!

  2. call a vet,

    im sure its nothing too serious

    he probobly just hurts

    they will do or give u what u need

    good luck!!


  3. You don't need to bring a pet into your home that you can't afford to take care of.  I mean I guess it is better than letting the poor cat live out on the street but couldn't you find a home for it that can afford to give it the medical attention that it needs?

  4. take him to the vet. you can work something out with the vet payment wise. they won't turn away a poor injured animal just because the owner can't afford to pay for its treatment. please please take him to the vet ASAP its very important you do or your poor cat could suffer permanent damage and may have to be put down. Im not trying to scare you, I'm sorry if i am but you have to take him, its your responsibility as his owner.

  5. Here is the problem... there is blood... and you don't know where it is from... this means that you can not help him keep it clean.  On top of it, it was very irresponsible of you to alow him to be around someone who would even accidently shoot him with a gun... rubber pellets or not.  He has gotten hurt and YOU are responsible for takeing him to the vet.  If you do not... it is considered animal abuse and you can go to jail for that (keep that in mind).  Many vets will work out a payment plan to help you cover the bill... unfortunatly, he can die if you do not help him.  Never adopt a pet you can not afford to care for, this is like takeing a 2 year old baby in your home and not giving it proper medical care... he loves you and is your responsibility.  You need a vet, make it happen.

  6. You need to find a vet who will work with you for payments.  Or they can recommend a clinic.

    sounds like the spine is hit or a nerve.  Only the Vet would be able to tell you.

    It might be more loving to have the cat put down.

    If you don't Can you take care of a crippled cat?

    what ever you do ... do the responsible thing.

    good luck  

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