
My cat is old and about to die

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My wife has had her cat for 17 years. We believe the cat is about on her last leg. She is not able to make it to the cat litter box. She goes where every she feels. We can not live like this with children in the house. My wife says she doesn't want to be the one to find her died. She said that she wouldn't know how to handle it if she does. I don't think anyone out there that would take a cat that is on it last leg. I'm not cold heart person to leave the cat outside to die off lonley. What should I do? K. Dee of Dallas, Texas




  1. Cats can live past 20 and you haven't given any indication at all what could be wrong. How about going to the vet and finding out what is wrong since that is the least owed to a 17 year old cat. Maybe the problem is correctable

  2. can the cat still walk very well or just dont make it to the litter tray

  3. You should give your pet and friend of 17 years a loving send off at a veterinary clinic. $36....can you afford not to and live with yourself?

    I don't know how someone could face themselves by letting their pet suffer like that. TAKE IT TO THE VET NOW!


    By the way I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my 18 year old Siamese 2 years ago but it was a proud send off at the vet and a spot in a pet cemetery.

  4. i would suggest taking her to the vet and having her humanily put down. I know it would be hard, but in this situation i can see no other choice.

  5. I would definitely get her to the vet asap...get an evaluation and opinion of how the vet feels about allowing her to live or should be put down.  I had to have my baby Babbles put down, but it was the humane thing to do and his quality of life wasn't good  I know he went to Rainbow Bridge and I'll see him again.

  6. Maybe you just need to have more boxes because when animals get older they have a harder time holding it.  I have had several animals die at home, and several pts.  Even though it is hard, you shouldn't let the fear of finding her dead cause you to cut her life short unless she is suffering.  Sounds like she is an inconvenience to you.  Try helping her out a little, just like an older person sometimes you need to adjust things to make her more comfortable.  

  7. The cat should spend her remaining days with her family. Don't abandon her. Try putting several litter boxes around the house. Maybe she just can't hold it long enough to get to her litter box.  

  8. Have your kitty put to sleep.

    8 months ago my cat was dying - but I loved the cat so much that I wanted to make him better. The vet told me that he was dying - about a week later while my son was home with me my beloved kittys' little body just shut down - my son also witnessed this.

    To protect your children - and your cat from a slow painful death - I suggest having your kitty be put to sleep and you can even have a little funeral so the kids will understand (if you want).

    I think that this is one of the loving things that you could do!  

  9. It is a hard choice , but since you both love her so much you almost have to make the decision to help her over to the other side.

    I just had to make that choice and it was the most painful thing I have ever had to do, but I could not let my kitty suffer and wait it out. It is a peaceful process, but so hard on the humans who love .

    Help your kitty and do what you know you have to do.

  10. my cat couldnt make it to the litter box right before it died sorry. you should have it put to sleep peacefully......its the right thing to do.

  11. please don't let the cat suffer any longer. have her put to sleep and maybe have her buried in a pet cemetery. She has had a long life for a cat. I had to do that for my cat when he was 13 years old. i hated to do it, but he was suffering. I hope this helps. i know it is hard and to have an animal for that amount of time, they become a part of the family.

  12. 17 is not extremely old for a cat, however if she can't make it to the litter box and is truly "on her last leg" then perhaps the humane thing would be to take her to the vet and get her a sleepy shot.

    Now, that's assuming her quality of life is really dismal.  I'm assuming she has health problems and no other options are available.

    Please do the right thing and don't just let her outside to get rid of her.


  13. If the cat is urinating all over then take to vet and see what the cause is. Most likely senile and maybe in kidney failure. You could also confine it to one room and put down papers with its litter box. Could also crate it. It sounds like its time to put it to rest. Take it to vets see what they think and if it comes to it get it euthanized humanly. Don't just put outside. That would be very wrong and very inhumane. I know it is frustrating but if it were you would you want that done if you became old and ill? Good luck to you.  

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