
My cat is on heat now!!she has 8 month i cant sleep cuz she keeps making this noise!!! what shall i do ??

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My cat is on heat now!!she has 8 month i cant sleep cuz she keeps making this noise!!! what shall i do ??




  1. spay her and you both will be more rested.

  2. You have to search for a partner for her...

    Look up neighbors who have cats or go to a park to look for people who have acts..

    dnt feel ashamed to talk about it to them..they too must have faced that problem with their pets..

    Go ahead and ask them if they wouldnt mind having their cat spend sometime with your cat...

    Animals need to mate..dnt depreive your cat of it.

    If you dnt have anyone who has a cat then ask a doctor (a vet) what to do..probably he can advise you how to deal with this...

  3. Your cat is "calling". Cats as young as eight months shouldn't be allowed to mate as they are not fully grown or their s*x organs fully developed. It's kinda like a girl getting her first few periods: she can probably get pregnant, but is she ready to be a mother?

    Cats will go in and out of heat throughout the year. You would be doing her a favor and prolonging her life to have her spayed. You think you're miserable? How do you think your cat feels?

  4. definatly take ur cat to the vet asap!!!!

  5. Call your vet and talk to them, they should have a hormone shot they can give her to get her out of heat.  Then get her fixed.  Some vets will fix cats when they're in heat but it's safer if you wait.  

    Whatever you do, don't let her out.  She will get pregnant and possibly get lost.  Cats do not need to mate and they do not need to reproduce.  She will be happier and healthier as a spayed pet with no responsibilities.  

  6. Time to get your cat spayed...if you had it done 2months ago she wouldn't be in this predicament now

  7. Get her spayed!

  8. if she is 8 months she is a little young to get pregnant (she will get pregnant if allowed to mate but it would be ebst for her to not have babies so young)

    if you get her spayed now, that will be the end of it.

    if you want her to have babies when she is older you will have to put up with it; but having kittens is expensive and even more expensive if you have difficulties with the pregnancy and anything wrong with the kittens so it would be in both your best interests to have her spayed

  9. Keep her close in a room and do NOT let her out or she will get mated.

    Do NOT let her get mated as she is still too young.

    She will not survive it.

    It will go over a in a few days and I truly recommend spaying her otherwise you will all ways struggle with it al her life.

  10. There are only two solutions to your problem, get her spayed or get her laid.  

    Either way will shut her up, but one ends up with kittens and the other is just a vet bill.

  11. My cat is on heat too.

    She malts abit aswell.

    I'd say put her in a cool spot like a conservatory or turn the heating off.

    Dont make her over heat.

    Does she do this moaning sort of meow?

    Just leave her and shut her in a room by herself.

    She will calm down.

    Good luck.

  12. I remember those days.  Go get her spayed and your troubles will be over--otherwise this will keep happening.  If money is an issue, contact your local humane society and they may have vouchers to get spayed at a reduced rate at your local vet.  You can also try googling "spay day USA" for a low-cost or free spay.  Until then, they sell really effective ear plugs at Wal-Mart and most drug stores for a pretty good price.  Good Luck to you and your cat =)

  13. Please do NOT let her out or get her a "boyfriend". I can't believe people are suggesting that. Clearly they have never taken a walk through an animal shelter.

    Have her spayed. It'll make life easier for you /and/ for her. It's also healthier for her.

  14. that's easy do you want her to have baby's or not?

    if yes get her a boyfriend

    if not get her spaid

    hope I helped

  15. People ask obvious questions. Spay her.

  16. That is the most crazy noise you ever want to hear i couldn't stand it.I just went though the same thing and i asked the same question and got all the same answer you just did.If you don't want her to have kittens and believe me she will you need to get her spayed,Don't let her out..I just dealt with it for 2 weeks and then i found an cheap S.P.C.A in Oakland Ca. I live in San Francisco and had her spayed for 60 dollars,they can do it when their in heat but i think it costs more.My cat was a stray a pregnant stray and i took her in and i now have 3 of the cutest kittens and i just didn't have the heart to give them up so i kept them 1 boy and 2 girls their 5 months old now and they all have been spayed and neuter..NOW its one happy family...

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