
My cat is persian 16yrs old and smells bad from the face has brown discharge and wont eat loosing 1/2 weight?

by  |  earlier

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He is still moving around but lost all his muscel. Keeps peeing all over a dark brown and wont eat for 2 weeks now but drinks water. He keeps going in the bathtub . He has bad thyroids and has a terrible odor from the mouth with all his beard brown and dirty odor. I don't know what to do? It might be time but how do I know for sure.




  1. He probably has a bad tooth or teeth,or he could have oral cancer. You need to take him to the vet ASAP,as he is in pain.They may be able to help,or it may be time to say goodbye. I know how hard it is,and I'm sorry,but you can't let him go on suffering.

  2. I'm sorry but it sounds like your baby is telling you it's his time to go he is suffering I would take him to a vet and have him put to sleep he's suffered enough don't you think? I'll keep you in my prayers but it's time to let go.

  3. sounds like a bad infection in his teeth.mouth  Sorry but sounds like its time

  4. Vet ASAP! Our 16 y/o wonderful male tabby had the same bad breath and discharge from his mouth. (Literally came on overnight) I took him to our Vet the next morning and he had a very fast growing oral cancer. He continued to eat and drink, but was losing weight. We decided against chemo. (it can burn their face & whiskers) and she put him on a course of antibiotics, pain meds. and a med. that could possibly stop the cancer from growing. After 5 days, he refused to eat. Back to the Vet and the growth had doubled in size. (In just 5 days!) I was horrified and with a saddened heart decided to have him put down that moment. This happened on July 3, and I wish now that I wouldn't have waited and tried those meds on him. BTW, he also had thyroid problems and had been on meds. for quite some time for that with much success.

    It sounds like it is way past time- please consult with your Vet immediately and don't let your beloved Persian suffer anymore. It's all about quality of life.

    So sad...

  5. Unfortunatly I think you have already answered your own question.

    It is time.

    Just make sure you are there with him as he makes the journey crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. You have loved him for 16 years and he has loved you too, he will need you there with him.

    Take care and my heart goes out to you as do the tears down my face.

  6. I'm so sorry for you and your cat. Best to take him to the vet and see what's happening but it doesn't sound hopeful at all. Again, I'm really sorry.  

  7. Kidney failure.  Vet now.

  8. This sounds like as though your cat has reached time to say good bye. Take him to your vet immediately from a professionally opinion.

    For urinary tract discharge information you can go to

    For mouth odour in cats

    Caring for an older cat

    Cancer in cats

    Thyroid problems in cats

    I hope that these sites can be of some use. They still will not replace a visit to the vet. I think that your beloved cat has come to the end of a very eventful life.

    One thing that you can consider is whether you want to bury him in the back yard or have him cremated and keep his ashes to have buried with you. This latter is becoming increasingly popular. Just something for thought.

    We all wish you well and know how sad it is to loose a faithful pet.

    Good Luck Bella Rose!!!

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