
My cat is pregnant, and I couldn't be more upset?

by  |  earlier

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First off, is it too late? I noticed she was getting a gut about a month ago, maybe a little more. Now I am almost certain, she is eating like a dog and guts big. Can I still get them aborted? And if so, is it expensive? I dont want cats/kittens becasue

1) I dont want to see something give birth

2) I dont want to take care of all these felines.

3) No one will take cats because they are so plentiful.

She's a great cat, really cute and all I have to do is feed/water/and litter it and shes good to go. But I dont want to do it for more.

What are my options. ( I cant give them to the vet, I know they will just euthanize them).

gosh, i dont want her to give birth




  1. Cats can have a kitty abortion. Call your local animal shelter for more advice.

  2. Give the kittens to a shelter.  

  3. I cant be more upset either, didn't you think of this before? Why didn't you get her fixed? Cats are not human, they do what is natural, you as the human owner needed to do your duty, keep all your pets spayed dont you ever listen to Bob Barker? I am sorry to beat you up but this is really not fair to be upset at anyone but yourself!! I HOPE YOU DO THE RIGHT THING, call the VET ask for advice! GOOD LUCK  

  4. Don't even think about abortion. Take that precious cat to the nearest no kill shelter and give her up before the kittens are born and never get another animal. If you can't take care of a cat correctly you should not have one. She was only doing was comes natural, and if you were a responsible parent she would have been fixed and not in this situation.

  5. Cats can have a late term abortion/spay.  Take her to a vet and they will spay her which will terminate the pregnancy.  I don't know what the cost will be in your area.

  6. awwww i would be thrilled if my cat had kittens well back to reality

    i think that you could sell the kittens and take her to an e r when it has birth and i think alot of people would get kittys

  7. You sound like a less than responsible pet owner.  Spaying or neutering your animals is something that should be right up there with getting their shots and feeding them.

    Plenty of people want cats, you can advertise free kittens in your local paper or on craigslist, worse comes to worse you send them to a humane shelter.

    I'm not trying to be rude or obnoxious, but when you own an animal, you need to remember that they depend on you for a lot of things and it's not her fault she's pregnant, she's just doing what comes natural to her.

  8. If you did'nt want kittens you should have gotten her fixed.  You now have to deal with a situation that I'm sorry to say you got yourself into.  No you should not abort them, you should take your cat to a shelter and just surrender her.  You obviously are not responsible enough to take care of her and her kittens.  Give her over to someone who is!

  9. im sorry but TOUGH you should have got her spade nuetured or whatever it took to prevent her from even concieving kittens,its not her fault, ITS A CATS NATURAL INSTINCT to reprocuce unless you intervine and help her out.they will reprocuce at least 10-15 litters in a life time and from the age of 7/8 months on if not younger they WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MATE and produce, I HAVE had cats and kittens all my life and got them spayed,  they are happier and so am i as i dont have to get rid of the kittens,its healthier as they dont get any nasty infections or diseases or even go wandering and get hit by a car or something!! spade her as soon as the vet reccomends after birth.....good luckxx i was not being mean by saying TOUGH just wanted you to read this!!!!! LOLXXXX

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